View Full Version : dizzy

01-24-2012, 12:08 AM
can anxiety make you feel dizzy also it seems im my mind never stops i can be talking to some one but its like im not concentrating on them also my mind keeps chattering to its self the dr has done nothing just given me a leaflet ive had enough of al this every day i seem to get worse

01-24-2012, 08:45 AM
How is your breathing Elvin? When we hyper ventilate (often without realizing) it makes us dizzy. Hyperventilation doesn't always mean gasping for air, but simply breathing large amounts. You could try breathing through your nose all the time. You could also try keeping your hand on your stomach, to ensure you take in small amounts of air, and that there is a healthy pause in between. Oxygen, CO2 and the like play such a role in dizziness and head issues. When we have anxiety, we have a tendancy to gulp air, and breathe really erratically, or with lots of effort, instead of in a relaxed fashion. When we hold our breath we get dizzy, the same works when we don't breathe the correct amounts. It could be something to look at.

Also, are you eating? Low blood sugar worsens this. Some fruit after meals can sometimes help.

The mind chatter will ease up with anxiety. The more relaxed we become, the more our mind becomes relaxed. It can still help to work on it though, as the two are inter-linked and feed each other. Like Kev mentioned, meditation was made for exactly that, and with a little practice, you'll see some good changes.

All the best!