View Full Version : Indecision, Procrastination, etc

01-23-2012, 10:27 AM
I'm supposed to give a 5-7 minute speech tonight at Toastmasters. I've spent two hours this morning and still haven't chosen a topic. I had initially budgeted two hours to prepare the entire speech and rehearse it once so that I could move on and do my ACTUAL WORK THAT I NEED TO DO FOR MY CAREER. Does anyone else experience this sort of thing, where it ends up taking forever to accomplish what seems to be a simple task like this? I'm beating myself up for being so inefficient and distractable. I feel like I desperately need a break even though I really haven't done anything.

In the fall, I taught three courses. Now I'm only teaching one. Yet somehow I don't seem to have that much more free time. (Yes, I've undertaken other obligations but still, I feel like I should have more time on my hands considering how much I'm actually accomplishing.) When I have more time to complete work, I just seem to take longer to do it, not because I'm watching TV or socializing or having fun but because I sit there, blankly thinking about it longer, I dunno.

01-23-2012, 10:51 AM
The thing is, after lunch, I'm probably just going to write a speech based on the first idea I had when I briefly thought about this yesterday. Those two hours were probably a complete waste.

01-23-2012, 01:15 PM
Did you jump from idea or idea, or was it just an inability to develop any idea further, and sort of just having that writers block/mental blank feeling?

How is your concentration in other areas of your life?

A sort of side note, is how's your diet? I was very low in B-vit's and Omega's, and my cognitive function just became really low. Serves me right for living off of pizza's... but, I've really noticed my mind sharpen, and my ability to focus and develop on ideas really improve now I'm getting those vitamins. I've found I can think using a wider spectrum and develop points more logically and in an organized fashion. Could be something to look at if it's an issue.

01-23-2012, 02:01 PM
Did you jump from idea or idea, or was it just an inability to develop any idea further, and sort of just having that writers block/mental blank feeling?

The latter, mostly. Also, this became an inability to concentrate. My mind would wander off to the obsessive ruminating angry thoughts that preoccupy it.

How is your concentration in other areas of your life?

Not so great, I don't think. I mean, I've managed to get a PhD and hold some teaching posts but I'm not as productive as I'd like to be. And my mind wandering off and brooding put real strains on my last relationship.

Actually, being an academic has allowed me to indulge these things tendencies in a way. Since most of my work is done independently on my own time, I can get everything done - I just spend ALL my time on it at the expense of e.g. having hobbies or a social life.

A sort of side note, is how's your diet? I was very low in B-vit's and Omega's, and my cognitive function just became really low. Serves me right for living off of pizza's... but, I've really noticed my mind sharpen, and my ability to focus and develop on ideas really improve now I'm getting those vitamins. I've found I can think using a wider spectrum and develop points more logically and in an organized fashion. Could be something to look at if it's an issue.

I think it's relatively balanced but I have awful IBS, which may affect things.

01-24-2012, 02:40 AM
Ugh, I prepared my lecture from 12-3 am. (Still a little bit left but hopefully I can get some sleep and do it around 7.) Somehow I work more effectively this way when I'm under the gun and the adrenaline is pumping. I can't live like this though. I really can't.

01-24-2012, 08:39 AM
Having the concentration to get a phd doesn't sound too bad :)

But I understand it's frustrating, it took me a long time to improve concentration, and is still something I work on now.

How would your productivity respond if you did your work in hourly slots, or scheduled regular short periods to work, with something else in between? You may be able to recreate that rush feeling, but without the pressure.