View Full Version : Introduction...

12-10-2006, 08:17 PM
Hello everyone,

This will be a book! Where do I begin...5 years ago in November I landed in the ER with a racing heart. Long story short, after several tests and discussions with my doctor, we determined I was suffering from anxiety. A large part of this was due to the fact that my mother-in-law had been living with us and creating a huge amount of stress. I also a couple of months before had gone to an allergist and had an allergy test done which resulted in my having to get an epinephrine shot. And I had recently started a new job. All these things combined I guess were too much for me. The doctor had me on Xanax for a couple of weeks so I could sleep and then I was on Paxil for almost a year before deciding it was time to try it on my own again. Everything was fine after that.

Fast forward 4 years...exactly a year ago today a close friend of mine and my husband's unexpectedly passed away. Then, in May of this year another close friend of mine was killed by a drunk driver. And if that wasn't enough, in June my husband was laid off from his job. I had quit working full time the previous year to be able to stay at home with our daughter, so him losing his job had a huge impact on our finances, plus we lost our health insurance. He has had no luck finding a new job in his field, so he has started his own business. It looks to be promising but since it is still in it's infancy we are not seeing much money. Our unemployment runs out this month and although we do have some money in savings to get us through the next few months, we have accumulated some debt (had all the credit cards paid off prior to me quitting to stay at home and it is really eating me that we have had to use our credit cards again!) and I am terrified of being out of money and losing our house, car, etc.

So in the last couple of months my old friend anxiety has reared it's ugly head again. Interesting enough there is an "allergy element" to this round as well. A few months ago I noticed I started feeling funny after eating some shrimp. Happened the next few times so I decided maybe best to stay away from shrimp until we had insurance again and could see an allergist. Except now just about everytime I eat anything I start feeling funny (mainly lightheaded) and now am too the point where I constantly worry I am allergic to what I am eating. Unfortunately though this wierd little neurosis has not stopped me from stress eating and packing on the pounds!

So between my grief, money worries, and newfound fear of food allergy I am quite the basketcase. But, since we are without insurance I have so far not gone to a doctor. i have always been a worrywart even before my first official anxiety episode 5 years ago. Having had anxiety before I am pretty sure that's what is going on. Not sure I want to go back on meds. Paxil was fine, but had some wierd side effects for me I could live without, plus coming off of it when it is time is not pleasant. And there is of course the cost aspect. So for the time being I am dealing with this sans meds. Last time I had anxiety it helped so much to be able to get on a forum and talk to people. So...here I am!

12-11-2006, 12:01 AM
First off, welcome to the board. Im sorry to hear that the ugly face of anxiety has made its way back into your life.

I know how it feels not having insurance and that probably makes you worse cause im sure you worry about that. Do you have any Xanax or atleast a prescription because the generic (alprazolam) is quite cheap.

As far as SSRI's go... I couldnt be any more against them, my opinion ofcourse, I have posted alot of threads on this site stating why I dislike them. But if they will work for you then by all means...

Until you start feeling better or see a doctor please feel free to come chat with us live, the link is below. Hope you start feeling better.
