View Full Version : CBT- What to expect?

01-22-2012, 10:00 AM
Hey Guys,

Any of you gone through Cognitive Behavioural Theory ( CBT). If so what can I expect?

I'm on Mirtazipine, occasionally take Diazepan when panic/ anxiety reaches 8/9 on a scale of 10, and my psychiatrist wants me to undergo a course of CBT.

Have any of you taken such a course and if so was it beneficial. It all costs a lot of money and I don't want to do it if its a waste of time.

Thanks, in advance


PS. I have been diagnosed with agoraphobia with panic disorder.

jon mike
01-22-2012, 11:21 AM
Worked for me I can tell you this, live my life everyday with it now, its basically Buddhism for the modern man I kinda think. Well worth every penny if it fixes you right? At the time I was bad I would have sold my arms to feel better. Money is money who cares. Just get fixed :-) good luck