View Full Version : New physical symtom -- shivers?

01-21-2012, 08:49 PM
I suffer from anxiety and go to CBT-therapy about once a week since two years back. A couple of nights ago when I was talking to a girl that I've been dating for the past three months, one of my biggest anxiety fears came true and she admitted that she doesn't know whether or not she still has feelings for her ex-boyfriend. We had a long talk about it, during which I was able to reason pretty well (which I usually am when the truly hard things ACTUALLY happen), and of course we concluded that we couldn't keep things up for the time being.

Anyway something weird happened, during the course of the conversation my whole body actually started shaking, like shivering in a very intense way. My room was a bit cold to begin with but not that cold, and yet my whole body and mainly my legs actually started shaking, almost as if though I was having an epileptic attack or something. I just couldn't control the shivers, it felt like the strongest fever shivers I have ever had. And last night when I came home after a whole day of intense anxiety while walking around town with a couple of friends it happened again, at first coming home made my anxiety go down a lot but then after a while I started freezing so much I had to put on three sweaters and start using my heating fan, putting it right next to my body. I'm usually very comfortable with cold and I rarely freeze so this was very weird to me. I guess it might have been because I kind of knew that I was probably going to have a more "real" break-up-talk with my gf and my body might have been reacting to that.

It was pretty frightening for me to experience an uncontrollable physical symtom like this one, my physical symtoms of anxiety are obviously always uncomfortable but they are usually not this prominent, in the sense that they will show, it usually mostly affects my astma. Anyone else experience these strong shivers from anxiety and know of a way of dealing with them?

01-21-2012, 11:00 PM
Im not sure this is the same, but when im having a panic attack i shake all over, so badly i cant talk. I'm left feeling pyshically exhausted after. I litrally sleep hard after (usually with a few jumpers on) I have no answers as im looking for some myself but just thought you would like to know your not alone :)

01-22-2012, 12:04 AM
Thank you for your reply! Of course knowing that I'm not alone is comforting :-) Except for putting on more clothes, what do you tend to do to try to limit these symtoms? Does deep breathing help?

01-22-2012, 08:13 AM
I also get the shakes when I'm uncomfortable. Not as bad as you're describing it, but everyone gets different reactions.

01-25-2012, 09:00 AM
this is common along with pain in the arms legs neck its completely normal to the fight of slight response :)