View Full Version : Need help with my anxiety!
01-21-2012, 08:11 PM
For the past 2 weeks i have had a panic attack everyday. The doctor gave me hydroxyzine, it helps calm me down. But i always feel something is wrong with me or i am going to die. when i have my attacks sometimes my throat feels like its closing,or im dizzy, or i feel like im going to pass out, or i cant breathe or heavyness on my chest and it gets really tight and my heart rate does beat fast and sometimes my hands and arms feel wierd at times. I have no idea if i have stressed my body out because right now for the past 4 days ive felt some pain in my chest since i panicked the other day and ive felt uneasiness in my (exscuse me for this) but my right breast not where my heart is. im just really scared something is wrong with me and im tired of having panic attacks and im having trouble dealing with it. And my doctor tells me im fine and my heart is fine and everything. I just dont know what to do anymore because i feel everyday something is wrong with me. please help me,i need advice and tips, or anything you would like to share , i just need someone to talk to about it, and please let me know if anyone else has same symptoms. thank you so much!
01-21-2012, 09:43 PM
Kayla, I would speak to your doctor about trying out a different type of medication if what you are using isn't helping. I have the same symptoms as you and the same fears and phobias (it makes me feel better to read your post and know that I am not alone). Sometimes I can't fall asleep because I'm afraid I won't wake up from whatever I think is wrong with me that day. My anxiety is typically worse at night. My anxiety has been present for 12 years and has gotten progressively worse over the past 5 years. One week ago I made the decision with my doc to get medication, he gave me cipralux. I can't review the drug yet as apparently it takes 4-6 weeks to show any affect. I wish you the best in luck in whatever you decide as your course of treatment!
01-23-2012, 10:17 AM
Kayla, One thing to keep in mind as you are having these thoughts is that your body is able to take the stress of your anxiety. Anxiety is not dangerous to you or
to your body though I know how terrible it can feel. Think about how the physical symptoms
of anxiety are very similar to what happens to our body when we are exercising. The physical strain/stress of exercising is harder on the body than anxiety and yet,
the body is not damaged by it. The symptoms you describe are very common in anxiety. If your doctor has told you your heart is healthy then you can trust that that
is true. I know it is more easily said than done, but I think that if you try to remind yourself over and over again that you are fine and that anxiety is not dangerous you
will start to slowly feel better. Talking with your doctor about medication options is a good idea if you don't feel that what you are taking is working. I would also recommend trying mindfulness meditation, it will be hard at first but will gradually help calm your system down. I hope that you will feel better soon.
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