View Full Version : Hello from Edmonton

12-10-2006, 07:26 PM
Just doing my thing. I have anxiety pretty severe at times, and it's only because of anxiety, that I also have suffered from suicidal depression from time to time (usually when the anxiety is snowballing out of control and I am feeling lost and hopeless). But, I also have Borderline Personality Disorder and I am an addict. Trying to be in recovery and stay clean but lately it's been quite rough. When I am clean for consecutive months (total of 9 was my best) my anxiety was at it's worst. Came on this site to compare what other meds work for others and how else they may cope.

12-15-2006, 11:51 AM
Hugs to you - I cannot totally relate to everything you said here BUT I understand how frustrating things can be...it's hard to stay focused and on our right paths.

Keep posting here and read others' stories.

We are all in this together and reaching out can help in many ways.