View Full Version : Health scares

01-20-2012, 10:11 PM
Yesterday I had a bubble in my chest, like a bubble of trapped gas. So I started googling for answers, what it could be. I believe and hope it was acid reflex (a form of heart burn) but I came across something else pneumothorax (collapsed lung). The bubble has gone now but I have a mild pain in my back and front of my chest and I'm freaking out thinking it could be a collapsed lung. My partner said it's just because I'm not very active lately and have been sitting in weird positions. I keep having these mini panic attacks and it's driving me crazy. I'm thinking about going to the doctors but it's expensive and I have been many times in the last few months thinking I have something seriously wrong with me. Turned out it was just low blood pressure. I'm not sure if I'm crazy or not