View Full Version : Sodium Nitrite/MSG

Sunny Days
01-20-2012, 06:51 AM
Hi all.

I just wanted to let you know something I experienced yesterday. My bad panic attacks happened in August 2010 and continued for a couple months. After I learned a great deal about them and I got my diet right, I stopped having them. I still had/have general anxiety but that is much different and easier to get through then the panic attacks.

Yesterday I ate lunch at 11:30 AM at work and by about 1:45 PM I began having what I think was a panic attack. I started feeling really hot and sweaty, that feeling of doom came over me and my heart started racing. I work for a medical facility and I walked down to speak with our RN to ask her what she thought it was. Knowing my history she told me I was most likely anxious and to walk it off. I did. I walked around the building a little bit and I drank water. I got out of work at 3:30 PM. I kept thinking what could of happened, and I realized that I switched my lunch meat last Sunday at the grocery store. I normally buy fresh meat from the deli (the all natural turkey without preservatives). Well this past week I was lazy and grabbed the pre-packaged Oscar Mayer mesquite turkey breast meat without even thinking. Sure enough, when I read the package last night it has Sodium Nitrite in the ingredients. This is a chemical, and I've read it can contain about 14% MSG in it as well. My body is definitely sensitve to chemicals (which is also the reason why I took myself off of synthetic hormones/birth control pills). I am pretty sure this was the cause of my attack yesterday. All evening I drank water and I threw that turkey meat right out!!

I just wanted to remind everyone that I believe diet can play a roll in these high adrenaline/panic attack episodes. I try to stay clear away from foods with alot of chemicals/too much sugar/caffeine etc.

01-21-2012, 09:45 AM
This is the case with me too. One of the only times I get symptoms resembling anxiety now (other than the dreaded public speaking) is when consuming certain food colourings or MSG. I was a complete sugar and fast food junkie, but over the last year of my life, I've had to accept many painful truths. Food negatively affecting my body was one. The consequences of me eating loads of junk now is just isn't worth. Healthy eating isn't as boring as it's made out to be though guy!

I've actually neglected looking for it in things that aren't obvious (crisps, sweets, take-aways etc) I'll start to keep an eye out for it in things I didn't really check like meat and sauces.

01-02-2017, 07:04 AM
Hello, I contact you because I saw your message on the forum concerning your reactions following the ingestion of sodium nitrate or msg.

I am French and I wish to exchange on the subject, I also do reactions to the msg and all the ingredients containing MSG FREE.

Do you always make crises?
The message on the forum dating from 2012, I hope you will see my message.

I wish you a happy new year