View Full Version : winter time depression and anxiety

bryan kellogg
01-19-2012, 06:20 PM
Has anyone in here heard that anxiety is worse in the winter and depression it seems to me that my anxiety and depression started to get worse around has anybody in here noticed october and november I read on the internet somewhere a lots of people suffer from this has anyone in your notice if this is true so in the springtime we will start feeling better I just hope so I'm trying everything to get over this

Anxiety Release
01-19-2012, 06:32 PM
Yes, this phenomena is common in the Northern Hemisphere during the winter months and it is related to lack of sunlight. We have shorter days in the winter and less sunlight. I knew a neighbour who was very depressed during this time and heard about light therapy, He bought bright artificial lights and turned them on in his apartment and after a few weeks of the light treatment, he noticed the change for the better in this anxious and depressive feelings. Hope this helps.

bryan kellogg
01-19-2012, 09:25 PM
i live in the usa missouri i lost my job about 8 mo ago and i dont get out much now that it is cold out i started feeng worse about mid oct i think befor that me and my wife was going out more and doing thing now that winter is here and cold we dont i think in the spring i may start feeling better
Yes, this phenomena is common in the Northern Hemisphere during the winter months and it is related to lack of sunlight. We have shorter days in the winter and less sunlight. I knew a neighbour who was very depressed during this time and heard about light therapy, He bought bright artificial lights and turned them on in his apartment and after a few weeks of the light treatment, he noticed the change for the better in this anxious and depressive feelings. Hope this helps.

01-20-2012, 05:54 AM
Some say Vitamin D really works well for this, as it's what we miss out on with lack of sunlight.

bryan kellogg
01-20-2012, 02:24 PM
I started taking a multi vitamin to day do you think it will help

01-20-2012, 04:08 PM
I have low Vitamin D level and I know that it is quite common in climates where the winters are cold (midwest) and the sun isn't out much. I have started taking a multi-vitamin, but I'm not sure if it is supposed to help right away?

01-21-2012, 06:16 PM
to me summer and spring gives me a boost of happiness and i feel great during those months. it feels magical! However winter is cold and it gets dark early, I hate that :/

bryan kellogg
01-21-2012, 06:42 PM
so I guess true people do suffer more in winter time from depression and anxiety and with me not have a job this point in time it seems to be making it worse that we're all in this together and some springs maybe will start feeling better it's remember the good side effects they're not really gonna hurt but we need to learn to relax more and maybe try meditation for me are sleeping part is the worst