View Full Version : Vomiting

12-09-2006, 06:33 PM
Hello everyone. I have been battling anxiety since my early high school years. I am 22 years old now and still going at it. I have been on and off several medications including effexor xr, celexa, and lexapro. Although the meds improved depression, anxiety has always remained a problem. The side effects of the meds cause me much more anxiety than they were worth, so I've decided to try to go on my own again. I have been reading a book called The Feeling Good Handbook and it has been helping out a lot with my depression and anxiety.
Anyway, I was wondering if anyone's anxiety causes them to vomit. Since about freshman year in college I have been experiencing sever panic attacks that make me feel like I am choking. Once the attack is triggered any movement or activity around me could send me overboard; I often start to vomit or dry heave. It is very painful with work and school because I often get the attacks during interactions with other people. I often have to excuse myself and make a b-line for the bathroom. I used to puke my guts out before every speech I gave in my freshman COM class, but by the grace of God I never upchucked during a speech. Although events like speeches usually trigger attacks, I have experiences attacks just as severe while sitting in my living room. Every day is a constant battle with panic attacks. I have never met anyone that experiences any of the same stuff, and I think it would help me a lot if had someone to relate to.

12-10-2006, 12:40 AM
This will make you feel alot better!

I have almost identical symptoms. Atleast 10-15 times a day I dry heave, especially when I smoke a cigarette. Atleast 95% of the time the dry heaves lead me to vomiting. I think that our stomach gets so updet from the dry heaves and butterflies that the only way to calm it is by vomiting. I have come to accept the fact that this is natural for anxiety sufferers and try not to let it bother me, I just vomit or dry heave then go about my business :)

Hope this makes you feel somewhat better...

12-10-2006, 08:53 AM
Thanks for replying! I have also dealt with it in the same way. Whenever I feel sick I just throw up and go back about my business. I was curious to see if anyone out there was experiencing it because nausea is usually listed as a symptom of anxiety but not vomiting. Although, I wish you didn't have to suffer it, it is comforting to know that I am not alone. Thanks again for your reply, and God bless!

12-10-2006, 12:52 PM
The way I see it is, comapred to the serious disorders and physical incapabilities. Having controllable(by medicine or mind) anxiety with occasional vomiting and unexplained symptoms, we really are blessed.

My doctor has been talking to me about xanax XR.its an extended release benzo that should keep my nerves calm all day. I might try it soon and see how it works for me, you should look into it.

If you ever need to talk or need comfort, dont hesitate to email or pm me, your NEVER alone...

12-11-2006, 06:37 AM
Yes, we are very lucky. Sometimes I think I have it bad, but I know there is always someone out there that has it way worse. I have been working to use my mind more and more to control my distorted thoughts. Thank you so much mercy for extending your help and I am available if you or anyone else needs to talk.

12-11-2006, 05:49 PM
OH that's so harsh!!! I gotta say this. I've been wanting to put this on a forum since I got on here. I am fortunate to never have vomitted from anxiety but I have a pretty strong stomach if that matters. Anyway, I think I'll start a new post about this because I want everyone to know, if they've never travelled this route before, although we're all different and are affected differently from meds. I read a lot about people who don't get any relief from SSRI's for anxiety. Then I read that they're taking some of the new atypical anti-psychotics and whether they work or not it's fine, they are expensive and they haven't really worked for me. A long time ago, before it was taken off the market, I was taking a tiny dose of Mellaril for anxiety (an old class of anti-pschotics) along with Paxil (keep in mind, tiny dose!! and the ssri had to be in place for the mellaril to help). I tell ya, it was the cure all for me. Cuz I am extremely irritable and agitated (full of rage and can't deal with ANYTHING not even stubbing my toe) and ssri's can really make the agression worse. Mellaril was so dirt cheap and I was taking a third of the regular lowest dose. Okay, so now I can't get back on mellaril and holy crap what a job trying to find a safe workable solution again. (this of course, doc wanted to veer off track for me to try the likes of wellabutrin, xyprexa, resperidol, remeron) but now back on ssri, celexa, i will be trying out a similar drug to mellaril called trilafon. I am looking forward to it and I intend to take the smallest dose possible (i think it comes in 2mg and i'll be staying at 1) these things have harsh side affects and dangerous ones too but i gotta say it's helped me a lot in the past and the smallest dose is worth the risk to stay sane at work and play.