View Full Version : help with anxiety cant sleep

bryan kellogg
01-18-2012, 12:00 AM
Hi I need help cant sleep I have not sleped much the last days I need to talk to some one I am a 47 year old man my life has when down the last 2_3 mo I lost my job8 mo agon and cant find one it seem that it gotten worse in the winter time has any one feel ed like that I sit around the house alot can that make anxiety go up can some one please help me

bryan kellogg
01-18-2012, 12:16 AM
I am not on any drugs for anxiety and don't want nun but need help as any one did it with no drugs

bryan kellogg
01-18-2012, 03:42 PM
i was Xenix befor and was had a bad time on it and after that i said never agian

bryan kellogg
01-18-2012, 04:01 PM
did you use that website if so did it help you

bryan kellogg
01-18-2012, 05:53 PM
my wife got me some melatonin 3mg for sleep have you heard of this is it good

bryan kellogg
01-19-2012, 06:08 PM
the melatonin my wife got me seemed to work last night I slept for about 8 to 9 hours
I got a membership on that 1 website you sent me I just hope it will help me i think I may have been suffering from anxiety off and on for a while now
At least a couple of years I have noticed the depression and anxiety seem to be worse in the wintertime

bryan kellogg
01-19-2012, 09:55 PM
I thank you very much for all the help you've given me

bryan kellogg
01-20-2012, 02:26 PM
I started taking a multi vitamin today or do you think I need vitamin d by itself

bryan kellogg
01-20-2012, 04:13 PM
I remember going to the er here while back one of the test said I had a low magnesium level
And I've done some reading on low magnesium levels And they could cause insomnia sleep disorders and anxiety and shaking have you heard of that
Maybe other people are suffering from anxiety have a low magnesium is well I know it seems like I'm just grasping at straws seizure while back I was put on a new blood pressure meds hydrochlorathiazide 1 of the side effects to be low magnesium levels.

PS Just 1 more thing dockers don't tell you when I start you on medication

bryan kellogg
01-20-2012, 05:44 PM
I had some stress not that much The multivitamin I have to have 50 milligrams of magnesium in it Do you think I need more class Just started taking it today

01-20-2012, 06:00 PM
My counselor told me to try melatonin bc I have the same problem...jobless, anxiety, sleeplessness. I tried 1mg of it and it didnt phase me so I will try the higher dose that she recommended 3mg. If you take too much I hear it has the reverse effect so yea be careful to not do that:)

bryan kellogg
01-20-2012, 06:07 PM
Did that magnesium seem to help you The pharmacist told me that magnesium is sault in your blood system did you know if its true or not. I hope that you're not getting upset matthew lot of questions I'm just kind of worried And he told me not to up my magnesium until I talk to my doctor

Stress will set it off and then it steam rolls from there i think . The symptoms are enough to pee anyone off i think

I was told to take Mag Forte which have

Each Tablet Contains:
Magnesium orotate 455mg
equiv. magnesium 30mg
Magnesium aspartate 296mg
equiv. magnesium 21mg
Potassium aspartate monohydrate 243mg
equiv. potassium 50mg
Calcium orotate 99mg
equiv. calcium 10mg
Calcium hydrogen phosphate 148mg
equiv. calcium 34mg

Two twice a day

bryan kellogg
01-20-2012, 06:10 PM
The pharmacist told me melatonin will take 3 or 4 days to build up your system before work
My counselor told me to try melatonin bc I have the same problem...jobless, anxiety, sleeplessness. I tried 1mg of it and it didnt phase me so I will try the higher dose that she recommended 3mg. If you take too much I hear it has the reverse effect so yea be careful to not do that:)

bryan kellogg
01-20-2012, 10:02 PM
I think I'm just over worrying about this medication I'm on my wife was the hospital with me when the doctor talk to me she said it she couldn't remember if you said I have a low magnesium or not so maybe it's just anxiety working overtime is a low magnesium level really dangerous the pharmacist I called about the magnesium he said magnesium is the salt in your blood and not to worry so much about it so can you tell me what you think you think I'm going overboard I just want to ease my mind a little bit you are about the only person that's even really talk to me on this website and I do appreciate it very much thank you
Another 1 of the side effects from a low magnesium is low blood pressure another 1 another 1 of the symptoms of low magnesium is low blood pressure and when I check my blood pressure earlier it was 121/85 hart rate 105 I think that's a good number don't you

bryan kellogg
01-21-2012, 07:16 AM
well my diet is life I try to eat it 3 * a day at least 1to 2 fruits I love eating vegetables
Like to eat fish at least once a week chicken and beef maybe twice a week and I do you get to eat cereal with all my kids leave some I try to eat as good as I can but sometimes it dont work out that way

bryan kellogg
01-21-2012, 06:03 PM
The past 6 years I built train layouts yes model toy trains but it helps me relax but I stopped working on them for a while so to help me take my mind off the anxiety I started doing more work on my train layout and even thought about building on to it mainly to give me something more to do during the winter time I do go outside not as much as I used to I'm gonna try to upload a picture of the train layout of working on

bryan kellogg
01-22-2012, 12:00 PM
1 thing I don't understand as I stated earlier I had lost my job and most of the information I been reading in that website is that anxiety and depression is often caused buy at work too hard or being over stressed at work is it possible sitting around the house too much can cause anxiety and depression rather than working too hard I slept okay last night but not as much as I did the night before I do have 2 grown up kids here who fight a lot and they don't like to do any housework without fighting each other I think that is were so much stress is coming from

bryan kellogg
01-22-2012, 04:04 PM
Thank you that was a great post
That 1 support group website you sent me it seems like all I want is your money but I am reading a book it's on there there is a lot to read and sometimes I think that makes my anxiety go up did you read all of that

bryan kellogg
01-22-2012, 05:26 PM
How is your anxiety to this day 1 of the reasons why was that website was that I thought you could talk to somebody over the internet about it but all accounts worse on there any personal therapist ost about 2 or 3 dollars per minute to talk and me with no job I can afford to do that
Everyone wants money but just to join and read is well worth it . I was paying $220 a hour with a 3 hour round trip to listen to someone tell me to breathe before i found that site .

My anxiety would go though the roof reading it and i had to print it off in section and read it as i could . Some days would take me the whole day to read one section .

cheers kev :)

bryan kellogg
01-22-2012, 05:55 PM
I have noticed on nights I sleep good next day is better for me I think maybe I didn't feel anxious last year at this time because I had a job at that time what's up in the take my mind off of it my wife did tell me that in the winter time magazine be a little more depressed and anxious than other times of the year so I will if I get my sleep under control maybe the anxiety will go down n yes I do feel a little depression sometimes mainly just sad

bryan kellogg
01-22-2012, 06:20 PM
On my last doctor's visit there was 1 test he did a testosterone test it came back saying it was a little low I said normal range where is anywhere between 800 and that 347 mine was 354 he said that meant it was a little low and low testosterone some of the symptoms from low testosterone iscan be anxiety and many other symptoms
yes i think sleep plays a huge part in things

You only have to remember what your kids where like when they needed sleep .

I am worst with things when i don't get good sleep .

bryan kellogg
01-22-2012, 06:54 PM
What I can do hormone replacement therapy he said we could talk about it the next time I see him. Do you get hot flashes it's like mail menopausal yes what women have
Thats interesting .

Did he say what you could do about it .

I believe that i also have something like this but my dont has not tested any thing .

bryan kellogg
01-22-2012, 09:29 PM
I have an audio bible on my computer I listen to that to help me relax sometimes Sometimes it works Sometimes it down I still think the hardest thing is sleeping

bryan kellogg
01-23-2012, 09:05 PM
My Son and his girlfriend and I had some kind of emergency so tonight we have their 3 month old baby I don't know how that's gonna make my anxiety do tonight I guess it's just gonna be a test to see if I maybe getting any better

bryan kellogg
01-24-2012, 09:29 PM
Well last night went okay with my granddaughter being here I went first therapist appointment today I think it went good they told me I need to get outside more and walk around they want me to do it 2 or 3 times a week out in the sunshine to see if that makes you feel any better my life is been hellacious since all this started when I lost my job I never knew he was gonna be this hard to find another 1 I think that is 1 thing that has made the anxiety worse just about all the jobs now you have to fill out the application online there are some jobs you can do a walk in application not very many so with me not having much money right now I'm not able to get out of the house right much and it's been cold outside i think they think I may be part of why I feel anxiety I probly do have cabin fever as they use to call it years in years ago what do you think it could be back that and my therapist they do not prescribe drugs 4 people with anxiety I said that's good I dont want no drugs I wanna get over this on my own with no meds

bryan kellogg
01-26-2012, 12:03 AM
Hred time sleeping tonight after after watching a movie it was a good one I think that's why I cant sleep been sleeping the last 4 nights do you think a movie can keep me awake

bryan kellogg
01-26-2012, 08:22 PM
I have noticed that every little vibration seems to irritate me and make anxiety go up I think the main part of anxiety is we focus too much on the sinsations we're having and that makes us feel worse if we quit looking deep within ourselves and try to overlook is sensations I think we will be better off just remember people a lot of the sensations we're feeling although maybe scary they will not hurt us I feel the same way everbody else does just pray to god to guide us and leave our troubles in his hand because we cannot do this on our own and remember god said he would not put no more on us then we can handle no matter how scared we get god will be there so we can put our mind at ease a little

bryan kellogg
01-28-2012, 02:42 PM
Last night I slept for about 7_8 hours I did have a little hard time going to sleep last night after getting up I did some work around the house I went for a walk today it was 41 degrees outside I was only gone for like about 30 minutes Tomorrow is supposed to be 49 degrees I will get out tomorrow and do a longer walk I think if we get outside and walk around more the better we will feel Even with the sunshine today The wind chill Was about 36 degrees I know wee all benefit from being out in the sun light I do know I feel good today

bryan kellogg
01-29-2012, 12:48 PM
Sometimes I don't know if I'm going to be okay I keep getting a tingling sensation all over sometimes I think my life is over I feel so weak sometime and shaky and light headed I never have been real active person never care for the world outside of my own never did much traveling never want to but I know I need to change my life I do like being out in nature the last for 5 years I have been not going out nearly as much I use to ride a bicycle every wire now all I do is ride in a car or sit at home now I know I need to get back to the way it used to be it seems like I use to be so much happier what are riding the bicycle but now anxiety has got me trapped just last summer I was going out with my wife going to movies going fishing and having more fun then I had that hernia operation was in the hospital for 4 days had to slow down a lot that was on october third I had the operation and then started to go downhill from there I think a lot of the anxiety is from not getting outside as much as I use to

bryan kellogg
01-30-2012, 06:06 PM
I don't know why I've been feeling anxiety today the last two days I've been going walking today I went to the store all the time I was out I was shaky the whole time we were out then when we got home all I know I want to feel better I just don't know how. Do you think being in or around the house and not doing that much work can make anxiety worse I don't have a job yet still looking I have been going out side to help myself feel better I feel I just need help
I guess 1 thing I'm trying to ask is can being bored make anxiety worse

bryan kellogg
02-01-2012, 03:13 AM
Having a real hard time sleeping tonight right now it's 4 am and I don't knowif I am worred about something or not do you have a hard time with sleep to all I know is I don't like this what can I do

02-01-2012, 04:41 AM
Yeah Bryan, I have a hard time sleeping too. Nice to meet you. I feel like my anxiety is the worst about certain stuff I can't control at all. Sometimes even when I am not worried I stay up late, just because I read the internet too much. They say that artificial lights out of TVs and computers keep our brains "on" for longer, making it harder for them to wind down for sleep. Reading paper books or listening to quiet music seems to put me to sleep without that effect. Do you have a bedtime routine? More than just "wait till tired, get in bed, wait for sleep." I've also read that a bedtime routines trigger your brain to that "switch over." The bedtime routine thing is also to get yourself on a set schedule of getting up and going to bed around the same time. Just think of a few little things you want to do before bed every night, like shut off all the extra lights, get a cup of water, put out dog, brush your teeth and repeat them every day. Do that for at least 28 days straight, and you should be yawning during your night cores.
Its not the most professional advice, but trying to keep to a regular schedule will help you a lot with feeling like a part of things and not just someone sitting up wondering at night.
This solution works best if you're a bit stubborn, like me.

bryan kellogg
02-01-2012, 09:40 PM
some times I sleep OK it seems like the older I get the harder it is to fall asleep I don't know what I worry about at night that keeps meawake at night it seems like it's gotten worse over the winter time I don't remember feeling that much anxiety before that and I know part of it maybe I don't have a job at this time and I feel bad about my wife told me not to worry about it after all I do have my unemployment

bryan kellogg
02-01-2012, 11:37 PM
looks like another night with little or no sleep I don't know how long I can do this when I went to bed I was tired and but felt like I could sleep I give up I don't want to live like this need help

02-01-2012, 11:56 PM

You need to do your best to stop obsessing over this. I know its hard! I am going through the same thing. Instead of saying to yourself OMG I CAN'T sleep and its 4 am. Think well its 4am and I can't sleep but oh well what can I do about it? Taking some pressure can hopefully make it better. If you find any miracle workers let me know, Im doing Melatonin but I am sleeping too much during the day now that it doesnt work very well at night!

<3 Jenn

bryan kellogg
02-02-2012, 12:51 AM
So what do you do when you cant sleep it seems like my sleep comes in waves some nights sleep good and sometimes I don't

02-02-2012, 07:53 AM
Hello, i also have a hard time sleeping at night, at first i would read a paperback book but lately that hasnt been working. Ive noticed when the day starts coming to the end is when i start feeling nervous and anxious, i believe its because i start worrying about if im gonna have a hard time sleeping that night or not. Its been like that since i was a child. I also notice that in the winter is when my anxiety and depression is at its worse. For the past week ive been taking ativan but i really dont like what the side effects have been doing to me. The doctor at the er also suggested to take an over the counter benadryl which is less harmful. I think that is gonna be my next step. I have also been trying to quit smoking which is making my anxiety way worse. Goodluck to u.

bryan kellogg
02-02-2012, 08:44 AM
Hello, i also have a hard time sleeping at night, at first i would read a paperback book but lately that hasnt been working. Ive noticed when the day starts coming to the end is when i start feeling nervous and anxious, i believe its because i start worrying about if im gonna have a hard time sleeping that night or not. Its been like that since i was a child. I also notice that in the winter is when my anxiety and depression is at its worse. For the past week ive been taking ativan but i really dont like what the side effects have been doing to me. The doctor at the er also suggested to take an over the counter benadryl which is less harmful. I think that is gonna be my next step. I have also been trying to quit smoking which is making my anxiety way worse. Goodluck to u. I know exactly how you feel because it seems that way to me later in the day thank I do worry too much about sleep it seems like when I do go to sleep he's around 2 o'clock or so I wish I could find 1 waylike last night I went to bed around 1030 feeling like I was going to sleep it's like a light switch turned on in my head and from that point all it did was make me upset and I think that help keep me awake need to do some more activities during the day so how do you cope with the sleeping or should I say the lack of sleeping

02-02-2012, 01:44 PM
I take naps during the day if possible. I try to avoid looking at my phone causr as someone already said the artificial light makes it harder to sleep. If i lay there for a half hour with everything off and still cant sleep i turn my lamp on and read some more and repeat the process. Or i get out of bed and do something for a little while til i start feeling tired. If i start getting anxious or worried about not being able to sleep til really late i just tell myself it will be ok that i can make up for it during the next day but that dont always help. I notice the nights its hardest to fall asleep is when i know i have to get up early the next morning.

02-02-2012, 02:11 PM
Hi Bryan,

I got told a few things about sleep,

*You should try drinking something warm and milky, I find horlicks works really well.
*dont excersize for two hours before bed
*No cigarettes 3 hours before bed time
*Cut down caffiene during the day, I have cut it out completely, but cut down slowly for the first week or you could end up with a nasty headache. be careful, it is in some painkillers and fizzy drinks too!
*eat at least two hours before bedtime if posible
*No nightcaps! It may make you sleep better first of all but 3-4 hours later when the alcohol leaves ur system, ur sleep will suffer.
*to retrain ur sleep, only go to bed to sleep (apart from you know what! which helps sleep!). No reading, watching TV, eating, surfing internet in bed. This promotes to ur brain that bed is for sleep only. If you cannot sleep within 25mins, get up, do not watch tv, or play computer games, they are too stimulating, read a book. Once you feel tired enough to sleep, go back to bed. If u still cant sleep or u wake up again for more than 25 mins, get up again and so on and so on. Do not nap during the day, even if you are really tired, wait until bedtime. U may feel knackered for a few days but hopefully a sleep pattern should kick in and u will have trained ur brain to sleep when u go to bed
*relax before bed, have a shower, or a bath, play some music or read. Dont go straight from work to bed, let ur brain slow down first
*dont worry about not sleeping, it will come eventually :-)

I got this info from nhs, I hope it helps :-)

bryan kellogg
02-02-2012, 02:58 PM
I thank you for your help I did finally get to go to sleep last night around 3 o'clock this morning I know when I have the insomnia like that I should get outta bed in read a book or something I don't have anygood books I guess I should get out and buy a book today most of my reading I do it's on my way tablet it's a reading tablet 1 thing good happen today I went for a walk me and my daughter walk for about a mile today I just hope I haven't d I just hope you come on me nowone too much and not feel sleep againto night I think I'm worrying too much about sleep too if I go hhhh to bed worrying about sleep and I may not sleep at night I know sleep should be natura

02-02-2012, 03:17 PM
Aw, I'm glad you've had a good day! I'll recommend u my favourite book! Its called the miricle strain by michael cordy! Its a bit like the DaVinci code. Although, actually, I think his books are so good, I'd probably stay awake to read them lol. Maybe try something more boring! Or maybe u could try a self help book, maybe one based on cognitive therapy? Try typing, overcoming anxiety into amazon, although, i dont know how good these things are to read before bed. Dont worry about sleeping, it will happen eventually. Good luck for tonight :-)

bryan kellogg
02-03-2012, 07:24 PM
I need some help for dinner I have a sub sandwich on italian sub sandwich long after got finished with it I lost my heart beat what up but probly the sub sandwich and some anxiety I don't know why I'm so scared I been doing good all day can anyone help me as your heart rate went up after eating certain foods

02-04-2012, 12:27 AM
Hmmmm.....tough one. What do you mean u lost ur heart beat? U mean u cant feel it? I'm sure its still there! or u'd be feeling a lot iller than anxious :-) If ur heart rate goes up after eating certain foods, maybe you should hae an allergen test? I know though, if I eat certain foods, like fatty foods, or use too much oil, I actually start feeling unwell, mainly anxiety because I know its bad for my heart. And I get it with white bread too because I worry I'm slightly intolerant. Mine is linked to guilt cos I worry I'm eating to unhealthily?

bryan kellogg
02-04-2012, 06:48 AM
Hmmmm.....tough one. What do you mean u lost ur heart beat? U mean u cant feel it? I'm sure its still there! or u'd be feeling a lot iller than anxious :-) If ur heart rate goes up and the pepperoniafter eating certain foods, maybe you should hae an allergen test? I know though, if I eat certain foods, like fatty foods, or use too much oil, I actually start feeling unwell, mainly anxiety because I know its bad for my heart. And I get it with white bread too because I worry I'm slightly intolerant. Mine is linked to guilt cos I worry I'm eating to unhealthily?
I am sorry about that I was using this program on my computer it types whatever you say sometimes it gets the words wrong my heart rate went up I wife said it was the sandwich did give me indigestion I sure hate anxiety yes I know sometimes I don't eat the best hey there is probly the salami and the pepperoni

02-05-2012, 01:17 AM
I would go with probably indigestion :-) but because you are anxious and u can feel somethings not right, ur heartrate increases. Yeps, anxiety has a creepy knack of finding us :-)

02-05-2012, 01:18 AM
P.s. feel free to inbox me and give me a nudge if I dont write back, I have a knack of missing replies :-(

bryan kellogg
02-05-2012, 07:25 PM
My sleep has been a little bit better here lately me and my wife we been doing a lot of driving around going for walks mainly in like the mall and other stores and some outside gotta say I really haven't felt a lot of anxiety here lately I've been working on my truck mainly just cleaning it and doing more work around the house I think it's mainly to keep my mind off of everything that's really helping me I think my main problem is that I have been sitting around too much I only get out looking for a job about twice a week there is not many jobs out there so maybe if I keep myself busy as possible I may have to see light at the end of the tunnel I hope everyone here will find away do put an end to anxiety and depression I know here lately I been feeling better

bryan kellogg
02-07-2012, 04:45 PM
The last few days have I been doing better today it's been raining all day I only got out once and I've noticed my anxiety is a little higher today the last 3 or 4 days I have been getting out more and doing more walking do you think that the rain and cloudiness good night anxiety no up and I also have a light headache and the burning sensation in my shoulders and neck it's probably just the anxiety
I think dealing with anxiety is hard my therapist said they think its associated with me not having a job and my kids getting on my nerves
So what do you guys think

bryan kellogg
02-07-2012, 05:28 PM
I guess they're not bad for a couple of kids yes I have 2 therapist I have been able to get out and do some some running around I need to do I've been able to even drive my truck lately I had to go get my tags 4 my truck and my wife's car spent an hour and a half at the department of motor vehicles to day. That's probably why I am feeling more anxiety today at the department of motor vehicle today I spent over 400 dollars call on tagging my wife's good new used cars today that we got out of our tax refund money
I think your therapist is pretty much on the ball . Those kids will do it all the time :)

Take one day at a time mate . Today is just like yesterday but you have more time to think . Try not to over think things . You got something to do inside . What about your trains ??

As for the Burning , very common and one i still have . Sort of like a warning sign im stressed .

cheers kev :)

bryan kellogg
02-07-2012, 09:21 PM
I think I can remember back when I first started feeling anxiety its probly at least 10 or more years ago then it was only every once in awhile and it started getting worse after my brother passed away he died of an accidental overdose and he was only 45 then I got to worry about my own life for a while after he passed I went through about that anxiety and depression I think you brought on by
The loss of my brother . for at least a last 5 y and anxietyears I think the only thing that kept my anxiety lower that I had a job back thewhenn I lost my job I felt like I hit rock bottom but then I got a feeling better I was doing more stuff around the house and doing more work with my nephew then he moved I have nothing to do you after my surgery then about mid october I started getting more depressed I think being trapped inside the house and I think that made anxiety worse now I've started exercising more going for walks maybe dwell on things too much

bryan kellogg
02-13-2012, 04:02 PM
I was feeling good this last week then we start to get some bad weather ice and snow have not been able to get outside last 2 days now it seems I have a light headache and some anxiety feeling like I'm tired when I haven't done anything me and my wife went to the grocery store today roads were not very good so after we got down there we came back to the house I think sittin around the house make my anxiety go up is that possible it's been very cloudy outside and very cold maybe I'm just 1 spring hurry up and get here I wonder what is it on nice sunny days I feel better there has been some days like it used to be before I experienced anxiety attack sometimes I feel if I get outside and do more or even just go out driving around I feel better but then why do you get out and run around sometimes all I wanna do is get back home but I think I spend too much time at home so I started looking for a job again here recently

bryan kellogg
02-15-2012, 08:12 PM
I would like to ask a question do you think a lot of my anxiety is because not having a job I did get my unemployment benefits I know I been trying to get out and find a job but it seems like the weather seems to stop me sometimes I will be happier when spring gets here

PS I know sometimes it seems like When I do get outside of nice days I seem to feel better Not sure if it's the sunlight Does anybody else feel better when the weather is nice And happier

bryan kellogg
02-19-2012, 11:17 PM
Need help tonight I had a real good day after dinner I'm feeling more and more anxiety my heart beating fast blood pressures of a little bit I'm scared I don't why can someone please talk to me help me please