View Full Version : quoting something i read today on another site.....

01-16-2012, 05:47 PM
hey all,

i was browsing some websites at work today (during a small break of course :p) for anxiety/panic attacks info and came across someones' words of encouragement.....it made sense to me and actually left me feeling great. hopefully it helps some of you feel the same.

Hello, I wanted to let people know what has worked for me to Overcome Anxiety. Hope you will find this helpful!!
I have been battling anxiety for 12 years and have it under control.
My symptoms started when I was 21 and had my gallbladder removed and almost died after the surgery. This caused alot of fear and worry.I have worked on me over the last few years and there is hope!
I know the physical symptoms are annoying but do not fear them. They are your bodies natural response to the stress and adrenaline that surge through your body when you have fear and anxiety. They wont cause any harm. Push through these attacks and you dont let them stop you!
It is a "slow climb out" but it is possible. A key for me was changing one thought at a time from negative to positive. This will be hard but the only thing that will bring lasting change. We are what we think-positive or negative.
Most anxiey sufferers Ive met are wonderful creative people who put way too much pressure on themselves to be perfect. My expectations were also way too high. I expected way too much from myself and others. Once I let go of my perfectionism and high expectations(easier said than done) I felt MUCH better. It takes alot of work in our minds to let go of expectations and give ourselves (and others) permission to make mistakes. Perfection does not exist. Those of us with anxiety care way to much about what others think and we want to be perfect in certain ways. For example: I didnt have the best childhood so I put WAY to much pressure on myself to be the perfect parent. I was driving myself crazy. No one could have lived up to my high expectations. When I finally let go of them it was such a relief for me and I actually became a better mom. Same idea applies to every area of our lives.
Another thing is ususally people with anxiety live in the past or in the future. It is hard to stay in the moment and have joy right now. I used to live all the time in the "next thing I had to do" instead of focusing on the moment at hand. Try not to jump ahead to the next thing in your mind. Focus on what you are doing in the moment and enjoy it. I guarantee when you are finished you will remember what is "next on the list".
I also used to drag around alot of things from the past. This is extra baggage that weighs us down and causes negative feelings that feed into the cycle of anxiety. Call it forgiveness or letting go but it helped me alot.
I dont watch the news anymore and I dont miss it! I watch comedy and am much happier. People with anxiety tend to be creative and sensitive. Thats ok. Treat yourself kindly. The beginning months of anxiety are the worst as you educate yourself about your condition. Not knowing what is happening feeds the worry.
Watch your caffeine intake. I can only handle one soda or cup of coffee per day. Caffeine feeds anxiety because it speeds up your whole system. Allot of sugar can do the same thing in some people.
I never took medication and I am almost fully recovered. I am not anti medication. If it helps you then take it! But unless you change the way you deal with life and your own thoughts then you will always need the medication.
I have some triggers. I mentioned stressful movies, caffeine, and stress. I control my thoughts now instead of following them wherever they go. About the only symptom I get anymore is tightness in the chest and a little bit of that lump in the throat. So I relax and let go of anything that is bothering me. Im reading a great anxiety book right now called From Panic to Power by Lucinda Bassett. Find it on ebay or amazon.com It has helped me even more to "clean up" whats left of my anxiety.
When you have physical symptoms tell yourself what I tell myself "Ive had all the tests done by the hospital and the Doctors" (and I have believe me!!) "And I am very healthy, this is just part of anxiety disorder that I am dealing with during this time in my life and it will pass!" Then pray and thank God for all the wonderful things in your life.
You cant control every situation but you ALWAYS have control over your attitude and how you act and react in every situation.
Another VERY important thing is to make sure you are breathing correctly. Anxiety starts when we breathe shallow. Make sure your belly moves when you breathe. When I start to feel that slight panic I always check my breathing and usually I have been clenching my stomach in and taking shallow breaths. I feel better once I begin to take regular deep breaths.I am here always if you want to email me. I am dedicated to helping people overcome this just as I have. God Bless you! You are worth more than you will ever know in this lifetime and God wants great things for you in your life!
I would love to know what some of you have done that has worked for you!

01-16-2012, 06:02 PM
That was an awesome note... very refreshing and encouraging. I believe. Thank you.

Live it up!