View Full Version : Need to find some control, daily irritation!

01-16-2012, 03:03 PM
Hi all, I believe I am a daily sufferer of anxiety and it literally drives me nuts!! I'm sure there is no immediate cure for my symptoms, I've seen doctors and tried hypnotherapy but no joy. I've slowly gathered more symptoms over the last 6-7 years and wish to find a cure or at least some relief. I suffer from headaches, stomach pain/bowel discomfort, heart racing, constant tiredness and lack of sleeping, but the worst is not being able to breathe normally, if I could just cure that I would be 100x happier! I currently find relief from exercise, music, and drinking alcohol but I dont always have time to exercise, play music and I certainly dont want to and cannot drink alcohol every day just to get relief, I only drink at weekends as I generally try to stay healthy. I lead a good life, a good job, have many friends and family, I have had past experiences which have probably contributed to this anxiety but my life has changed since these events am I am stuck with these daily problems.

I'm not sure the best way to tackle this now, I almost feel the need to celebrate if I have some days without symptoms but this does not happen very often. I am single at the moment which makes me unhappy but nothing else really causes me stress, well, not that i'm aware of anyway!

I have comments from friends about my good and interesting life and they dont understand why I cant be happy and nor do I, any advice is considered here, is there medication that actually works? Is there something you can take that gives you relief and you can slowly feel better? Is there a therapy that really works? Or is it completely down to the individual to help themselves understand what causes their anxiety and find their own solution for their problems?

jon mike
01-16-2012, 04:36 PM
Hey, how you mean breathe normally? Only asking because I used to have problems with mine. Do you feel panicky when you notice your breathing? Does it scare you? Do you feel like you are in control of your breathing? Do you feel the need to take in big gulps of air to get some relief? If so these are perfectly normal anxiety symptoms and very very common, take some relief in knowing that first of all, I personally have never had anti anxiety drugs so couldn't say, its possible to solve it without them though believe me. If you need any advice feel free to p.m me. Jon

01-16-2012, 04:48 PM
Jon, breath slowly from your abdomen. I mean instead of inhaling and raising your shoulders, put a coin on you belly button and when you inhale make the coin rise. That way the air goes into lower part of the lungs where most of the bronchi are that will take it into the blood. Many folks breath and raise their shoulder which isn't right(within a tense rib cage when anxious). Breath in slowly, not too deeply, exhale and try to relax your head, neck, jaw and shoulder muscles which tense up during anxious periods. Take your time inhale expanding the stomach, exhale relaxing and feeling the relaxation of the muscles I mentioned(notice it feels good). Just keep practicing that. Make sure to relax those muscles as it will help "short circuit" the full anxiety response. Those must tense up to get the full anxiety respose so try to learn to relax those while breathing properly and it will help ease anxiety. Alankay.