View Full Version : Just joined!

01-16-2012, 02:14 PM
Hi to everyone, I guess i've joined this site looking for some answers, I'm sick to death of the daily anxiety problems ruining my life, I generally lead a good life with nothing to worry about so cannot work out why I suffer every day with struggling to breathe, headaches, constant tiredness and lack of sleeping, stomach pains and bowel discomfort, heart racing and generally feeling like shit.

I have had past events that contribute to stress and depression but nothing that should make me feel like this every day, well, I dont think so anyway. Now life is much better so why wont it go away??

I'm hoping to hear of solutions people have for these symptoms, the doctors can supply nothing, I did breifly try hypnotherapy but to no avail, i've tried herbal remedies and also tried some self help stuff from the net. I'm actually used to feeling like this now but remember the days when it was never an issue and am almost jealous of people who feel fine, any help and success stories will hopefully be the solution I am looking for, I can only hope!


01-16-2012, 04:34 PM
Bored, have you worked with and MD's or when you say doctors mean psychologists? Just to get it clear for me.
I'm also wondering what meds have been tried, how much and for how long. Have docs even tried a benzo and it didn't help? What about a TCA?
I have found that using all the techniques I could find together worked for me. Reading self help books, working for a while with a Clinical Social Worker, practicing progressive relaxation and deep breathing exercises, regular aerobic exercise as well as an SSRI daily and occasional use of a benzo and beta-blocker have worked for me. Basically panic free. But it wasn't always so. I had to find the right combination of things. I think most patients who get it under control would likely say the same. It starts there, working with a doc to get you anxiety under better control first. Then learning all the things you can also do to help keep it there. But it needs to be brought down first as a patient in an acute high anxiety state will not benefit much from all talking, etc. He's in no position mentally/emotionally. I hope you can find a Doc to get you there so you can too then begin to work on how to manage your anxiety much better. I will help with suggestions/thoughts if you are up to it. PM me any time. Alankay.