View Full Version : aniexty getting worse

01-16-2012, 08:57 AM
i have have always had aniexty but nothing really bad enough to worry about. i left school when i was 16 4years ago and used to go out with my mates at the weekend and have a few beers, then one time when i was 17 got too drunk and made a bit of a fool of myself, didnt do anything to bad just being drunk and stupid, but for days after it i felt terrible aniexty and panic attacks i couldnt sleep at night, couldn't concentrate on anything,it was a sort of reality check, so i stopped drinking and going out on the weekend sort of hid away for a few months, slowly but surely my aniexty started to get worse i got really self conscious, i hate walking past big groups, i cant look at people in the eye when i talk to them, i always worry about what people think of me , im just a nervous wreck, so nowday im basically a loner, theses days i spend all my time in my room il accaisonally go out and have a drink with my mate maybe once every two months, but then the next morning boom aniexty is through the roof even if havent done anything stupid or that bad , i just feel like running away and starting a new life which i would if i had the money, i thought i was making progress i got a tempary job just before xmas in a big warehouse i had to leave the house at 10.45am and didn't get home till 11pm so i was always on the go and my aniexty seemed to go away for they 2 weeks i was working, it was my first proper job and it boosted my confidence a little, so anyway i went out with my mate on saturday just passed for a few beers cause i had not been out in about 4 months it was a good night, but as i expected i woke up on sunday feeling terrible aniexty so i took a sleeping tablet and woke up today feeling just as bad, i really need help because i fear that if i dont get my aniexty sorted im going to look back at my life when im older and have done nothing and gone my whole life without enjoying it which is just a waste of life. is there any medicine for aniexty and how do you deal with it ???

01-16-2012, 09:03 AM
Yep lots of help via a doc(GP or psychiatrist) and/or counselor. Saved me so make an appointment and get started with treatment and tell them all your symptoms. PM me any time. Alankay.