View Full Version : feeling anxiety for my sister. tough couple of weeks.

01-16-2012, 05:52 AM
My sister and I are very close. She had a baby last week and has been going through a LOT of physical and emotional struggles. I feel like I am on a rollercoaster ride with her and can't get off! lol. I mean, that description sounds silly and cliche, but it's how I feel.

I am the only person she feels comfortable discussing everything with. I am so glad she confides in me, and I think it's important for her own mental health to be able to discuss her worries and concerns with someone, but I'm afraid I'M not handling it well. My anxiety and panic attacks started up a few days ago and I just don't know how to deal with it (she doesn't know I'm going through this. I don't want to cause her more stress). I can cope pretty well when I distract myself and don't think about it, but as soon as she calls me sobbing asking for advice, my anxiety comes screaming back. I also wake up every morning with pretty moderate to severe anxiety that fades throughout the day (typical for me).

I have a therapy appointment today. It's been awhile since my last one (about a month) so I'm hoping I can learn some way to deal with this in the meantime. I can't really stop talking to my sister about what she's going through because she NEEDS to keep talking to someone who understands.

Anyway, this isn't really a question, just a vent. Thanks for listening.