View Full Version : Symptoms & Reactions

01-15-2012, 06:39 AM
I know the anxiety fuel of adding second fear to symptoms so I wanted to ask these questions:

How do you work with or what do you tell yourself with symptoms - fears and pain

How do you work with symptoms that are constant - all day long

01-15-2012, 11:07 AM
For no.1 Understanding truly whats going on. It's hard to fear something you really understand. Remind myself that the body changes so does life, what is here today won't necassarily be around next week. Refuse to give it a response that will further aggravate my nervous system.

For no.2 I had hellish symptoms for years, that robbed me of my humanity. The answer to this is the easiest answer I will give, as it's decided already. Analyze life and see if theres something realistically I can change. If not, the only choice remaining is to eventually accept it. The fifth stage of grief is always acceptance. It isn't a popular answer, but the truth never is. Accepting pain doesn't mean giving up, or submitting, it means refusing to add even more pain onto your self by adding in additional mental suffering to the mix. Nature will always have it's way, 100% of the time. When it rolls our number, our only choice is damage limitation, whilst hoping that it passes by. There is no blueprint to this. People can do everything right, and still get caught.

Then I have a 2nd choice after a short while. Keep on accepting, and hope as I travel an exit road will come and allow me to get off onto something else, or gamble on a long shot, take a more drastic (but safe) action in hope of mixing everything up into something I can see clearer.

I hope you find that slip road....

People may read this and think yeah ok, I accept it. No you don't... that's just lip service. The process doesn't happen overnight. Dr Paul said “Acceptance of one's life has nothing to do with resignation; it does not mean running away from the struggle. On the contrary, it means accepting it as it comes, with all the handicaps of heredity, of suffering, of psychological complexes and injustices.”

This post will go ignored, and forgotten about, it always does. Yet, it is the foundation on which happiness, peace, health and prosperity are built upon, and is the one thing that they cannot last very long without.

*Disclaimer* This post if for more serious anxiety sufferers, or sufferers of resistant illnesses or pain. You never stop making educated decisions and choices, you simply release the crippling mental cross of making it all work . As with the stages of healing, this isn't a post for those starting out, but nonethless, useful bits can be taken. This is where it ties in to Razzle's question. When the symptom cannot be avoided, minimize the reaction.