View Full Version : Trembling & Jittering

01-14-2012, 03:06 PM
My friend who does not have internet connection asked to ask the group this. She trembles and jitters internally all the time. Sometimes when she sits still it stops or reduces but all she has to do is stand up and walk 10 feet and it starts. She is on no medication - has pretty severe anxiety and has been going on for two years.

I don’t have this so I told her I would ask

01-14-2012, 05:36 PM

Were you on any medications then - can you tell me about the buzzing - I think I have it - feels like I am plugged into a electrical outlet and it is constant

01-14-2012, 06:49 PM
Razzle are you/(she) on low carb diets/ still?

For me the lack of carbs made this symptom un-livable. I just couldn't function normally, and lost all confidence in my body. It may be something to experiment with. I don't think carbs cause this at all, but they definetly played a part in it for me, I went from low carb, to high carb. Fixed that symptom, but left me with gastro ones. It seems the case with anxiety, settling for a lesser evil. 6 months later, and I've managed to find a way to fit carbs in at low points in my day. Seems to be doing the trick so I won't tamper. Medication helped me huge with this. I took an SSRI and it made me buzz so much I felt like a phone on vibrate 24/7, it was hell. I changed to a slightly sedating one, and the symptom really reduced, fixing carbs really finished it. After coming off the med, neither that, nor the brain fog/derealization have been back. *Touch wood*

I have to ask the obvious question, have you/she been checked for diabetes? Blood sugar/ glucose issues make this symptom a complete b*****d. They just seem to be like petrol and fire to each other. Do you both get your 2000 calories a day? Lack of sleep made it bad for me, I noticed when my sleep was poor, this got bad. May just have been me though.

As for coping methods, I tried millions, but never found any that worked long term. Only the psychological one, of just accepting my pain. I know thats not very inspiring though, sadly.