View Full Version : Hy all , new guy here

01-13-2012, 01:58 PM
Hy everybody, I am new on this forum, I found it through google. I hope that you guys can help me probably because you are more experienced at this then I am.
Let's start at the beginning. I am 26 years old and I think I have an anxiety disorder. I started to have problems breathing 2 years ago, went to a doctor and he diagnosed me with chronic bronchitis. He prescribed me a Ventolin Inhaler and after a while I was better. My symptoms came up again and they lasted aprox 2 weeks every 6 months. In december I felt really worse, I thought I will die, I coulnd't breath at all and went to the emergency room. They did blood tests, chest xrays and put me on a heart monitor for 30 minutes and couldn't find anything. They even told me that I don't have any bronchitis. Finally the doctor sad that I had a panic attack. Since I don't feel any better. In January I mooved in a new contry I dont have medical insurance yet so can't really go for another checkup. I have the following symptoms:
-trouble breathing (worse at night), trouble sleeping, woke up a few times feeling like my heart stoped and that I cant breath, lightheadedness, lump in my neck but present only at night, of course went I cant breath I panic after a while. Cant really concentrate on things. I dont know maybe I am stressed because I have to improove my language skills and find a new job, but generaly I am not a stressed person. What can you tell me about youre experiences can this be an anxiety disorder? I don't have any problems going outside or beeing in a crowded place and I don't have any fobias (maybe a dentist fobia :) ) . I dont even know what doctor should I visit , or what other test should I take. Thank you for youre answers in advance.

01-15-2012, 02:45 AM
You might find it helpful to learn about breathing techniques they may help you. You can also try Valerian root it has been used in Europe for many years and is a herbal
sedative. It has been used to treat insomnia and mild to moderate anxiety.

01-15-2012, 05:18 PM
hey fabian,

in my opinion it sounds like you are definitly going through a form of anxiety...all the symptoms you mentioned i had, and i definitly have anxiety and panic disorder.

learn deep breathing techniques as they work wonders. as well learn to be a positive thinker.

deep breathing + positive thinking works wonders. especially during times where you are struggling they help tremendously.

you have to practice it though, as its not easy to do it properly from the get go. be consistent.

01-17-2012, 04:47 AM
Himall new here suffering from anxiety on and off