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01-11-2012, 10:55 PM
Does anyone else's anxiety go away when thye are sick? I have seen a lot of people talk about their anxiety being heightened when they are sick, but whenever I have a flu (and i also suffer from chronic migraines) my anxiety goes away, and then I have to get used to it again once I start to feel better, very odd ! LOL

Sunny Days
01-12-2012, 06:29 AM
Yep same here! My anxiety is always about getting sick/health anxiety. But, just like Kev said...when I do get sick and know what it is (flu etc.) then I just focus on getting better. Plus, as much as it sucks getting sick...it is sometimes relaxing laying around on the couch all day, watching mindless tv and being taken care of (if you live with someone ofcourse) lol.

01-12-2012, 07:14 AM
Ditto Kev. When it's so obvious even we see the truth, we don't worry so much. Makes me sick. LOL::):) Alankay

01-12-2012, 08:26 AM
Does anyone else's anxiety go away when thye are sick? I have seen a lot of people talk about their anxiety being heightened when they are sick, but whenever I have a flu (and i also suffer from chronic migraines) my anxiety goes away, and then I have to get used to it again once I start to feel better, very odd ! LOL

that alone should tell you that the anxiety you have when you are normal - is really nothing and can pass with the blink of an eye (if only was that easy, i know :p)

at work yesterday, i had some weird sensations and it almost triggered an anxiety attack, and i was having trouble fighting it off. next thing you know i was called into a meeting and an hour later when i left the meeting i realized that i didnt think about my anxiety at all.

its like we have to trick the mind sometimes to focus on something more important. just like when people get a real cold or flu, their concentration turns to getting better because the pain seems that much more real (and is real!) then the anxiety we normally experience.

01-12-2012, 01:20 PM
ah ! thank you all, that makes so much sense now, probably too because it something i can control more easily, so i just think 'oh i have the flu' then i relax. I dont get health anxiety at all and pretty much ignore all my anxiety symptoms when they are there, but i guess when i am sick, i dont have time to even worry about ignoring them, because i am concentrating on the real sickness. Thanks Guys :-)

01-12-2012, 01:54 PM
Yeah, alan and kev have it right on. I remember having flu, and thinking, ah god, this is gonna be a nightmare, then after a week or so, thinking, wow, NO anxiety! Strange! I think it's because every symptom I had, sore throat, cough etc, I put down to the flu, when in the past I put it down to heaven only knows what, whatever my flavour of the week was :)

I actually used the same trick to overcome anxiety really. I done my reading, and realised anxiety was all bluff, but my body still wasn't believing it, so in exhaustion, I just started labelling every strange symptom as 'ah thats anxiety', 'this is anxiety', instead of the symptom of some exotic illness. In the end my mind was able to distinguish between real danger and the illusion of danger. Labelling everything as this annoying, but harmless condition just seemed to click for me. Every body finds their own mental state to cope, some work on tidying up their mind, others work on getting out of it. :)

Like liveitup said; it's times like these you realize how anxiety is just a chronic mix up in the body and mind, and can be unravelled.

jon mike
01-12-2012, 03:35 PM
Shit ye, same here, never thought about that :-)