View Full Version : nausea while eating

01-11-2012, 09:40 PM
is nausea during eating caused by anxiety?

my theory for this is caused by a bad viral illness i had which caused supreme nausea and ever since then i'v had periods where ill have nausea and sometimes vomiting for a week then it will leave for about 2-3 weeks then come back which i believe had lead to a subconcious fear of nausea which intern causes nausea so its actually counter productive. Does this make sense.

01-11-2012, 11:24 PM
hey thanks mate i definately agree that i worry about it i guess i'm just one of those people i guess. I have tried ginger it does help and the doctor has given me maxalon(anti nausea drug) which has definately helped alot i guess iv just got to teach myself there isn't anything wrong