View Full Version : How can I feel less anxious?

01-10-2012, 12:25 PM
I'm sick of always feeling nervous and on edge. I'm never calm anymore and I get sudden waves of dread which are usually really random. I get really hot, start sweating, feel faint, have heart palpitations and headaches, I'm so fed up with feeling like this :( Its kind of a vicious circle beacuse I get anxious about getting all sweaty which makes me anxiuos and sweaty! It feels so unfair because it holds me back, I avoid social events and ignore opportunies because I know I will get anxious. I've seen my doctor who has reccommended breathing techniques e.t.c but I cant focus my mind on anything else when I feel like this, I'm 16 so I known they'll be reluctant to give me medication but I just wnat to fix this and have it out of my life. I'd really appreciate any tips and support, thanks

01-10-2012, 01:01 PM
Kawa, well if the breathing techniques didn't help much you still can see a counselor(highly recommended).
In addition the only med they would give you is what I'd recommend you ask about-fluoxetine. This is the only SSRI approved for use in young folks. But your doc might also be asked about Lyrica which has approved in Europe for what I think you have i.e., Generalized Anxiety Disorder.
It's possible your doc might give you a low dose benzodiazepine but not likely right off but that would be his call of course.
Having said all this your doc needs to know exactly how much this is bothering you. Otherwise he'll just think it's passing high school nerves so to speak. Tell him all you've described in your post. Alankay

01-10-2012, 02:44 PM
Thanks for the responses, I'll will make another appointment, ask about counciling and mention some of the medication you brought up Alankay. Kev, my doctor gave me a book which suggested taking time out to close my eyes and concentrate on slowing down my breathing if i start to feel nervous, but this would be difficult when I'm sitting in a classroom, talking in a group e.t.c and when I've tryed it at home it hasn't seemed to have any effect. Do you recomend any other methods of breathing control or should I just keep practicing at times when I feel more calm? I'd be very grateful to know your opinion as so far I haven't had any luck after trying for a few weeks and haven't really be made aware of other techniques. It terms of what may have caused me to get to this state, it started a few years ago when I really didn't have anything to worry about, however it seems to have worsened in coinsidence with a number of problems at home including my sisters diagnosis with anorexia, giving up my puppy and the death of my cat who I loved very much, I have had a very stressful time but I definatley started to get these symptoms years before I started dealing with these issues.

01-11-2012, 07:02 PM
There are other things you can try that have been shown to reduce anxiety, such as regular exercise and even meditation. I use both, and do not take medication for my panic attacks. Those two things help me keep them in check. Just a thought, I realize everyone is different. I do agree that talking to a counselor would be a good idea.