View Full Version : Waking Up Anxious

01-09-2012, 04:55 AM
Do I ever hate this.

Sunny Days
01-09-2012, 06:43 AM
I have this too! It happened to me last Thursday and I ended up calling into work (which I rarely do). I don't know if I had a bad dream or low blood sugar or what. My hands were sweaty, I felt jittery and my heart rate was up. I read that Cortisol levels naturally are at the highest between 6-8 AM. That could be a possible reason for the morning anxiety. I did my deep breathing and ate breakfast then it subsided. Just know you are not alone!

01-09-2012, 01:50 PM
I never knew about the 6-8am thing sunny ! i wake up like that every day, then start feeling better between 9-12, that explains a lot !

Sunny Days
01-10-2012, 11:41 AM
I never knew about the 6-8am thing sunny ! i wake up like that every day, then start feeling better between 9-12, that explains a lot !

Yep! After I learned about it, it took quite a bit of the fear away. I hope it helps you also. :)

It kicks in about 2 hours before waking up in order to prepare the body for the day ahead . It works in with other chemicals that more or less control the body . Anxiety is based on these chemicals being at a higher level
most of the time . When you get your anxiety down then it stops .

Another thing it will cause in many is to has a tired patch in the late afternoon and then when wanting to sleep you are wide awake and cant sleep .
cheers kev :)

True Kev. I find that I get pretty exhausted by the afternoon (I'm sure it's because of all the anxious energy released). I agree with you that working towards inner peace will result in lower anxiety/levels lowered.

01-10-2012, 02:46 PM
How do you dream? Most anxiety sufferers have terrible nightmares, their body gets tense, adrenaline gets released, add in the higher cortisol, and it's not a nice combo. Maybe a partner could tell you about how you sleep. I downloaded an APP on my phone, and found out my sleep was DREADFUL. I done some breathing exercises before bed, listened to some calm music, splashed some lavendar oil under my pillow, and that morning anxiety really reduced.

01-10-2012, 02:47 PM
True Kev. I find that I get pretty exhausted by the afternoon (I'm sure it's because of all the anxious energy released). I agree with you that working towards inner peace will result in lower anxiety/levels lowered.

Do you have any nervous habits, Sunny days? I used to really clench my jaw, frown and tap my feet. I couldn't believe how my energy went from bad fatigue, to refreshed simply by cutting out these silly little habits. I guess it makes sense really, these constant anxious habits keep draining the body of energy without us even being aware. Then I noticed I had bad breathing, and was breathing much more air. It was like my body was pacing up and down, except without getting up. It was nice to work on those things, and slowly notice my energy coming back.

01-10-2012, 07:49 PM
You have some great bedtime tips, jessed03. I like to get my mind in the right place before sleep. Sometimes I watch happiness mind movies on youtube. The movies depict images choreographed to images that get my subconscious in the place I want it before rest.

Sunny Days
01-11-2012, 07:54 AM
Do you have any nervous habits, Sunny days? I used to really clench my jaw, frown and tap my feet. I couldn't believe how my energy went from bad fatigue, to refreshed simply by cutting out these silly little habits. I guess it makes sense really, these constant anxious habits keep draining the body of energy without us even being aware. Then I noticed I had bad breathing, and was breathing much more air. It was like my body was pacing up and down, except without getting up. It was nice to work on those things, and slowly notice my energy coming back.

Hi jessed03! I do have some nervous habits- I have terrible TMJ and clench my teeth at night (also confirmed by my dentist). Some days my teeth hurt from the clenching. Now I make sure daily that I release the clench in my teeth and let my bottom jaw relax. I am getting better during the day but still I do this in my sleep. I also think I breathe too much air. I am having this upper gas problem alot lately (too much gas in my chest area- burping alot etc.). I have been drinking Gingerale for relief. I also have been trying to cut out acidic and greasy/fried foods from my diet.

I'm glad you have been working on your nervous habits and things are improving!

Sunny Days
01-11-2012, 08:00 AM
UGHHHH... to go along with this thread-

I woke up in the middle of the night last night with my arm asleep/numb. It startled me, I jumped up out of bed and my heart was pounding. I moved my arm around/massaged it until it felt better and the numbness went away. When my arm felt better my heart rate went down (this all happened in probably under 5 mins but felt like forever). It scared the heck out of me! Has this happened to anyone else?

01-11-2012, 04:19 PM
Magnesium pure and simple. As long as you don't have kidney problems/failure it is fine to take Magnesium.
A high percentage of people are deficient in Magnesium.(stress adds to the problem as it uses up what Magnesium you have.)
Sometimes oral ingestion of Magnesium can cause loose bowels (great for those with constipation) so start slow with your intake.
I've been an anxious person all my life, but certain times it was worse than others. In 2004 I lost my job and moved back to my old stomping grounds that I lived in prior to moving for my job. At that time I bought a Mobile Home as my Mother was going to move upstate to live with me. (my Dad had passed away). Stress of job loss, adapting to living with Mother brought on my agoraphobia and then my Mom was diagnosed with colon cancer, so every day at the hospital and when she came home, the constant care. To be honest during this time I tried to commit suicide as I was so overwhelmed and was getting no help from my only sibling (sister). My Mom died and I lost the Mobile Home, had to resort to living in an RV Park. (not the best place to live for a person with agoraphobia!!) I started having panic attacks, and seemingly constant anxiety which made getting a decent night's sleep imossible. (my sister at one point told me "I think you just like the drama." which certainly didn't help and made me feel more alone) I was able to move to a rural setting after a year and a half in the RV park, which helped but I still had anxiety, especially during the night. After FOUR years of not having one night's decent sleep, I came across information about Magnesium, the lack of it and affect on nerves. I dug out a bottle of calcium/magnesium powder I'd bought sometime back for calcium benefits and administered two teaspoons full and could not believe that I slept better, the terrible dreams eased and the panic attacks disappeared that would wake me up nightly. I researched online about magnesium and anxiety and found one can use magnesium oil which bypasses the digestive tract and one can avoid the loose bowels (if that is a problem in an individual's case) and go immediately into the blood stream. I haven't received the oil yet, but have been using the powder and I can now sleep without anxiety waking me up and it carries me through the day.
Our bodies aren't deficient in Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, klonopin etc, but Magnesium. A good diet certainly helps too!
I suggest you research, perhaps see your doctor (tho' most doctors are not well schooled in nutrition and would rather prescribe psych meds. I'm not suggesting you toss out your meds, but use Magnesium and if there is improvement you can cut back, working with your doctor) I've noticed also, so far, periods of depression and being despondent are gone. Life will still give you hard times and disappointments, but you will handle them better. Especially if you are sleeping well at night!
So give Magnesium a chance once you have read up on it. (The Magnesium Miracle is a good book, but plenty of info online)
I know this post has been long, but I wanted to give some of my background and issues I dealt with and the impact of Magnesium on my well-being. I do hope you find the relief I did!

Sunny Days
01-12-2012, 06:17 AM
forwells/kev- thank you for sharing that with me! Now thinking back on it the other night it has happened before to me also. I am not going to give it much more thought and will continue to live in the present moment! :)

parlyvous- thanks for posting the information about Magnesium! I have researched alot about the subject! I actually went out to my local health food store and bought some Mag. Citrate. I have always worried about how my body will react to certain things so I cut a 200 mg in half and took it. (This was about a week and a half ago). That day, I felt more anxious then others so that made me leary of taking it again. However, there were other factors...it was the day before my menstrual cycle (which always gives me hormonal anxiety), and also maybe I was over-thinking about how my body would react to the Magnesium. So...I can't really say that the Mag itself was the cause of my anxious feelings that day. I think I need to try it again. I never have a problem with constipation so I worry that the Mag will cause me to have the other problem. Is there a specific "type" of Mag that you recommend? Is Citrate a good form to take?? Thanks in advance!

01-12-2012, 01:54 PM
forwells/kev- thank you for sharing that with me! Now thinking back on it the other night it has happened before to me also. I am not going to give it much more thought and will continue to live in the present moment! :)

parlyvous- thanks for posting the information about Magnesium! I have researched alot about the subject! I actually went out to my local health food store and bought some Mag. Citrate. I have always worried about how my body will react to certain things so I cut a 200 mg in half and took it. (This was about a week and a half ago). That day, I felt more anxious then others so that made me leary of taking it again. However, there were other factors...it was the day before my menstrual cycle (which always gives me hormonal anxiety), and also maybe I was over-thinking about how my body would react to the Magnesium. So...I can't really say that the Mag itself was the cause of my anxious feelings that day. I think I need to try it again. I never have a problem with constipation so I worry that the Mag will cause me to have the other problem. Is there a specific "type" of Mag that you recommend? Is Citrate a good form to take?? Thanks in advance!

I'm leery of tablets, as they can have other fillers and sometime do not dissolve well. I'm taking the Mg Citrate and as I said, I'm waiting for the Mg oil I ordered to arrive. Using oil means you get it transdermally and bypass the GI tract and thus, no diarreha. Taking the powdered form, I don't notice any more than usual loose stools (I get them due to the anxiety, urinate a lot too. Hope that isn't TMI. :). 100mgs of Magnesium if you are deficient will most probably have no impact on your body or state of mind. Also read the bottle's label and see if it lists the elemental magnesium....you can take several milligrams of 'Magnesium' but be only getting much less of elemental Magnesium..which is what your body can use..the rest is 'fluff' so to speak. Since tablets and powders differ in the quantity they deliver I hesitate to try and tell you how much to take. The Magnesium won't hurt you, try taking 400mg an hour before bedtime..thus giving yourself time to monitor your body's reaction and if you get loose stool, you'll be awake, instead of having to jump out of bed in a hurry.
Some suggest the Taurate form for anxiety, others say it makes no difference. Citrate works for me, and it is cheaper than the 'ionized' forms that are touted to work better. I'm planning on testing the oil to see if it works faster and then if I like it better than powder, I'll purchase the flakes and make my own 'oil' (which is actually magnesium and purified water) makes it far cheaper and works as well as the pre-made oil. I order on Amazon..if I can post that here...it allows you to compare prices and products and also the reviews are a great help.
I can tell you my anxiety has made my life a living h e l l and if magnesium can calm me down and let me sleep, it is a supplement that works!! Far better than anti anxiety drugs.
Don't overthink it and just think positive that it will work for you. Hope to find a post here soon that you have found it helps you also! :)

01-16-2012, 01:19 AM
Ugh, 2 am today.

01-16-2012, 02:14 PM
Ugh, 2 am today.

Due to anxiety? Know the feeling. Do you get up and perhaps get something warm to drink or a small snack or read to take your mind off the feelings of anxiety? I always keep a book near the bed. Reading takes the 'edge' off the anxiety. I'm trying not to depend on klonopin to help me go back to sleep.
Still have my fingers crossed that continuing to take Magnesium (along with Calcium) will take care of the night time anxiety. Nothing worse than losing sleep, it only magnifies the stress and at times depression.
I'm eagerly awaiting the Magnesium 'oil' I ordered...should be here...tho MLK holiday will slow it down another day. :(

I might go into town an purchase some Magnesium to get me through til it arrives. Better 'addicted' to Mg than psych drugs.

01-17-2012, 11:46 AM
Some of you having trouble sleeping after taking Mg close to bedtime might find this site worth looking into.
oops I was just told I have to have 25 posts before I can post links here. So Google Magnesium and look for Magnesium Update. (krispin is in the site address)

I took 1064mg ( over a gram) last night and woke up with the shakes etc. (yes I'm still experimenting with doses). Seems Mg contributes to energy production, so more isn't necessarily better. Initially I was taking 400mg in powdered form and since my Mg oil hasn't arrived yet (hopefully today) and I was out of Mg. I went to the store where only tablets were available (and read the ingredients and there are tons of fillers and questionable ingredients that don't contribute to one's health...thus why I stuck with NOW Calcium Magnesium..as it is pure.)

So more research, tho I find the input on Amazon helpful but the site above is by a nutritionist. FYI

01-23-2012, 10:22 AM
Maybe I'll try some of those things. I can't do Mg since I have terrible IBS.

Due to anxiety? Know the feeling. Do you get up and perhaps get something warm to drink or a small snack or read to take your mind off the feelings of anxiety? I always keep a book near the bed. Reading takes the 'edge' off the anxiety. I'm trying not to depend on klonopin to help me go back to sleep.
Still have my fingers crossed that continuing to take Magnesium (along with Calcium) will take care of the night time anxiety. Nothing worse than losing sleep, it only magnifies the stress and at times depression.
I'm eagerly awaiting the Magnesium 'oil' I ordered...should be here...tho MLK holiday will slow it down another day. :(

I might go into town an purchase some Magnesium to get me through til it arrives. Better 'addicted' to Mg than psych drugs.