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01-07-2012, 11:02 PM
i have been doing so good but the last couple days a new symptom :( all of a sudden i will have a quick nervous feeling out of nowhere anyone else? the initial feeling leaves quickly then im just shaky and trembly afterward i dont want it to cause my anxiety to go nuts again so fast advice please

01-07-2012, 11:41 PM
o thank goodness someone else i know that a nervous feeling is a side effect of alot of bad things so since it started i have been so scared

01-08-2012, 03:51 AM
Yeah its common with anxiety, like Kev said... It will pass. I get it, just out of the blue I get really edgy and anxious over nothing at all. Dont stress about it, it goes away.

01-08-2012, 05:41 AM
This would be a good time to practice not adding 2nd fear. We all know extreme panic so well, it would seem normal to all of a sudden get a fearful feeling from some sort of trigger. But since you know anxiety is a bluff and really is mostly a mind game, then it doesn't matter. Then if you take it one step further and realize you are scared of having fear, then you can ask yourself, "Well, what if I do get panic again like before?" Then you can answer, "It doesn't matter anyway and it is not dangerous." Panic Attacks are just a fight or flight response so best to not think of it as having any meaning. If you ever do get a panic attack again, you didn't fail or anything like that, it just can happen to anyone. The disorder is when they are out of control and you are so sensitive that they can be triggered extremely easy. Panic and anxiety in and of themselves don't mean anything.

01-08-2012, 08:11 AM
Yep, anxiety happens. This kind of thing too. Any med changes can bring about this type of thing at times. Kind of like a muscle twitch of the nervous system. Alankay

John Campbell
01-09-2012, 03:25 AM
yes I've had this. The spikes are very distressing, but they do go. Reducing caffeine intake may help. I think it's important to try to identify what the cause is - what the fear is.

I'm a big fan of Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (Albert Ellis).

You may be 'awful-izing' i.e. being very frightened of some things, without really thinking them through and facing their reality?
"It will be awful if grandma dies." People do die. So say to yourself "It would be nice if my grandma lived forever, but not end of the world if she dies."
"It will be awful if the people here don't like me'. Instead say "It would be nice if the people here like me, but not the end of the world if they don't.'

You may be doing some exaggerated thinking?
"My daughter is very likely to be taken away by someone in the next hour - it happens to everyone, all the time!"
"I am a very un-safe mother, and I take no care at all over my daughter!"
See that your thoughts are unrealistic and exaggerated, and replace them with more reasonable ones.

You may be holding on to false beliefs about yourself or the world that are stopping you recognise, face and think through your real sources of anxiety?
'It is only what is inside me that matters for my attractiveness to men'. Instead say "It is both what is inside, and my outside appearance, that matters for my attractiveness to men. I can try to look nice, and maybe someone nice will be attracted to me."
'I am self-reliant, self-actualised etc; it doesn't matter to me what anyone else thinks of me'. Instead say 'The truth is I have an ape brain developed for living in complex tribes for 100,000's of years - if I was not accepted by the tribe I would be cast out, and if I was on my own I would die - so, like it or not, I am affected by what other people think of me, and if the tribe accepts me.'

You may be demanding too much of yourself?
"I must look amazingly good!" Instead say to yourself "It would be nice if I was the most attractive-looking woman in the world, but it's not the end of the world if I am not."
"I must save the world today", etc etc

You may be demanding too much of others, or of the world?
"It would be nice if everyone was nice to me every moment of my life, but it's not the end of the world if not.'
"It would have been nice to have had perfect perfect parents, but it's not the end of the world that I didn't."
"It would be nice if the world was perfectly just to everyone, but it's not the end of the world that it is not."

Go for it - attack the faulty thinking!

Sunny Days
01-09-2012, 07:03 AM
I get it often! You know the best way to think about it? I think of it as a sudden adrenaline rush (as that's all it really is) but the negative thoughts we think and the catastrophizing everything add more fuel to the fire. I think that our nerves are just so over-sensitized that they mis-fire alot.