View Full Version : Is this normal
01-06-2012, 06:47 PM
Hey, well recently I've been really scared about hearing voices in my head! My anxiety has not ever been this bad, some days I'm fine and then other days I can't take my
Mind off it. i keep repeating my name in my head and I can't help it! And sometimes it happens really randomly with out me even thinking about it and really gets me scared. I keep repeating my name in my head! Is it normal for them to seem loud ( in my head ). This sounds so crazy I know. By the way when I'm entertained I feel
Fine and don't have any problems at all, but whn I start thinking about it I can't stop. I've been out with my friends all night and I've felt fine! Now I'm home in bed and my anxiety had kicked in.
jon mike
01-07-2012, 04:14 AM
Ye that's normal, stop worrying about it, stop trying to fight it, if you ignore it and pay something like that no attention it Will fade in no time, remember, the more you invite anxiety to the party, the less he'll want to come ;-)
01-07-2012, 08:37 AM
Ye that's normal, stop worrying about it, stop trying to fight it, if you ignore it and pay something like that no attention it Will fade in no time, remember, the more you invite anxiety to the party, the less he'll want to come ;-)
Thanks for the reply. Somedays it hasn't bothered me at all and I've been fine but other days I can't stop thinking about it. I just needed reassuring and hopefully then I can understand it's just anxiety and it's a habit I have what keeps fuelling my anxiety.
01-07-2012, 11:14 AM
remember, the more you invite anxiety to the party, the less he'll want to come ;-)
I actually love this quote.
I actually recommend some meditation if you can. Nothing major, or spiritual. Just for ten minutes, focus on something. One thing, breath, a candle, a sound etc. Whenever your mind wanders (which it will regularly), gently focus your attention back on the thing. You'll find with some practice you can go ten minutes of focus. This is probably why you feel better when busy. Cos you're not in your head. I was the exact same way. No word of a lie, 80% of my issues reduced, when I just stopped thinking so much. Thought is a tool to enrich our lives and improve creativity. The real world exists outside of our head, so it's natural to spend around 80% of time there. Most people, espesially anxiety sufferers spend 80-90% of time in our heads in some way or another, and only 10% paying attention to things happening outside our mind and body. It can be really helpful to readdress that balance.
Jason, reassurance is crack cocaine for anxiety. It craves it because it means you're giving it complete attention. When you reassure yourself, you find yourself needing it more and more, for every topic. Look back on all your anxiety issues, has the need for reassurance grown, or moved from detail to detail? It often does. When you stop searchng reassurance, you're depriving anxiety of attention. You have to stop seeking reassurance, and seek knowledge. Seek to understand why it happens, it's usually quite simple (the anxiety formula)e.g. fear feeds fear, the law of attraction, the snowball effect etc.
Once you realize it, you can start labelling these issues as anxiety, and choose not to get involved in them. You don't have to believe a word your mind tells you if you don't want to. I still get anxiety testing me now, but I patronize it, I get the thought "You could start hearing voices... and in that split second I think, well... if I do, I hope it's the voice of Morgan Freeman!!!"... Not that I think it's necassary, I just can't be bothered to entertain those thoughts anymore, and as a humerous guy (so I believe lol) I just make a little light of it. You don't have to stop the positive self talk, and the pat on the back saying "You'll be alright, you've been here before", just reduce the attention you give it by as much as you can. Take it bit by bit. A little reassurance here and there is healthy, but it shouldn't be needed more than once, perhaps twice a week in regular circumstances. Anxiety suffers can crave it numerous times a day, some even into the hundreds.
BEWARE though, it will peak for a little while, as anxiety is a BRAT. It's like a kid that's had all it's mothers attention for as long as it can remember. It doesn't want to give that up. It will kick and scream, then eventually once it's all burnt out, realise the games up, and it's time to play ball.
Be well man!
01-07-2012, 11:19 AM
Yep. Had that. Part of anxiety. A bit of an obsessive pattern and a part of anxiety. Alankay
01-08-2012, 04:13 PM
Also is this anxiety? Like I Keep thinking I'm hearing stuff in my head so I can't help concentrating on it and I think my mind keeps making false noises? It's really hard to exsplain like I hear stuff but it's not like loud loud i think I'm paranoid about hearing voices so I start concentrating on it and my concious creates false noises? Just need reassuring so I can try to handle this. Like I said somedays I'm fine, obviously have some blips here and there but nothing major and then the next day im really bad with it? Will be very gratefull for replies.
01-08-2012, 05:50 PM
Yeah all this stuff is out of anxiety. Yeah. See you're anxious and eventually find something specific to be anxious about. Just the way it often works. Once the ball start rollings on a specific thought/fear/worry it doesn't stop there. Nooo! It matures so to speak until you have a scenario all worked out. It could from a pain in your leg that's matures to a fear of, say bone cancer. It could be headache that you worry about until it matures and you fear you have...... a tumor. You notice a little cough pretty soon you worry leads to a fear you have(my favorite, I'm being sarcastic) some serious, hideous and, of course fatal, illness. Etc, etc.
Soon you'll notice this cycle and learn from it. You'll see this scenario as just another symptom anxiety. You'll come to expect it and say to yourself, "of course I'm gonna worry about that little twinge, sure, always do but I know all this and it's just......anxiety". You'll most past it easier then but it still can annoy us and scare us but much less than before.:)
Anyway we must think of this, I do, if the thought is "I'm afraid I'm gonna or might have........key is afraid as it will help you realize it's anxiety. Afraid you might be hearing things??? Anxiety. I AM indeed hearing/seeing things, different issue. We just are anxious and are fearful of this stuff and can even develop psychosomatic pains, etc, but rest aasured it all part of anxiety. Come to understand an accept that. PM me any time. Alankay
01-09-2012, 10:13 AM
Thanks, I had the day off college today because my anxiety was so bad. I need to learn It's just anxiety and to stop letting it scare me so I can get on with my life and achieve my diploma! but it's so hard to try let it not bother you. It's on my mind when I try to sleep and also the first thing when I wake up on a morning. I keep thinking I'm hearing stuff but I know it's my anxiety playing around with my head and I need to learn to cope with it and understand this is just anxiety.
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