View Full Version : Maybe an odd question...

01-06-2012, 03:41 PM
I've had GAD for a few years now and my meds work for me most of the time, other than when I have what I call 'breakthrough' symptoms which sometimes go away immediately when I realize what it is or turn into a full on episode, which is what I'm dealing with now.

I take xanax for the body symptoms. It normally works very well and I was actually tapering off until I had some serious anxiety issues and decided to stay on it a little longer. At 1/2 mg. 2x a day (morning and night) I had no problem with it daily. Due to my current episode I've been okayed for up to 3 mg (1 mg 3 x a day). I don't want to take that much so I've been trying to get by on 1/2 mg. more frequently during the day as needed, never going over 3 mg. total.

Now for my odd question. For some reason I am now getting totally wiped out by 1/2 xanax that I take in the early afternoon. There is maybe 2 hours left on my last 1/2 but considering I can take up to a full one this shouldn't be an issue dosage wise. What happens is I take this dose and I am like a zombie. I'm so tired and so mentally out of it. I don't really want to sleep but sometimes I do for a little while and get that horrible sick to my stomach groggy feeling upon wakening.

Is it possible to get too much sleep while going through an anxiety episode? I realize most people have trouble getting and staying asleep so my question is a bit backwards. I can sleep at night with Ambien (have done that the last 2 night with about 7 hours of sleep) so that should be fine, I'm just wondering if sleeping during the day is a bad thing and I should limit it? I'm a housewife with 2 kids who can fend for themselves so that's not an issue if I *should* sleep. I just seem to have this hang-up about sleeping too much - it's a nice escape I guess but I'd rather deal with the issue and get on with life.

I hope this makes sense. I'm kind of obsessing about it and need to get it off my brain. I tried calling my therapist's office but they're already closed for the weekend. :-\

Thanks for any help!

01-06-2012, 04:28 PM
Jodi, can you not take the xanax until you really need it? It might be that the mid afternoon dip we all get is coinciding with the xanax and making you sleepier than you would be otherwise. Are you anxious at that time of day? Also it it xanax XR or regular xanax? Anyway if you're not anxious you could decrease the dose(pill splitter?) or increase the interval particularly with xanax XR.
As far as sleep goes it's kind of incompatible with anxiety in general. Depression, yes one can get hypersomnia but usually insomnia. Also it's best to get 7-9 hours sleep depending on your system. I would not sleep during the day if I was not sleeping properly at night.
Having said that it is important to get your REM sleep for anxiety and general health. All your neurotransmitters are best when you get the proper REM sleep.
I doubt the Ambien figures in with it's short half life.
Otherwise I find this an an unusual deal but better than insomnia or high uncontrolled anxiety.:) I just suspect the benzo(xanax) could be reduced abit and go from there. It is a low dose though but xanax is potent. Message me any time. Alankay.

01-06-2012, 04:37 PM
Well, I do need the Xanax. I don't like being on it so I take as little as I can but during that time of day when I'm more tired generally it is much harder for me to mentally beat down the symptoms, thus my feeling like I need the Xanax. I'm taking the generic and it doesn't say CR on it. I do take Lexapro also for depression/anxiety so there is a depression component to it. My therapists seem to think the anxiety part of it is the most prevalent but that I do have depression issues that also need to be addressed. I went off the Lexapro once and was good for awhile, then had a major attack and had to go on it again starting from square one. I never want to have to go through that again so I have resisted any efforts to mess with the Lexapro.

I guess the crux of the question is, is it bad to get sleep during the day? I know I will get my 7 or so hours at night with the Ambien so daytime sleep *shouldn't* cut into the night time sleep. I'm just concerned that sleeping on the xanax during the day will cause me some kind of problems (besides the horrible groggy sick to my stomach waking up from a nap feeling I get - do other people get that, too??) It obviously relieves my symptoms enough that I CAN sleep...but should I?

01-06-2012, 04:50 PM
Jodi, I can't see the sleep in the afternoon really be any kind of contributory kind of thing to anxiety. I don't think it will be harmful in any way unless you're snoozing while driving.":)
Some folks have side effects from benzos but at that dose you shouldn't have much but that can happen.
Don't worry about the sleep. I've never heard of that being anything to be worried about but lack of sleep period messes with your anxiety/irritability, etc.

01-06-2012, 05:03 PM
Thanks Alankay. That is kind of what I thought but you know - the anxiety makes me ask and get other opinions. (I'm kind of ticked my therapist's office closed at 3 today and there's no way to contact them til Monday!!!) I only slept for half an hour (had my son wake me up) and once the grogginess was gone I did feel more alert. Maybe the trick is not sleeping for too long. Can't say my mood is much improved but being tired always makes things seem worse than they really are. Like anxiety times 2. I am trying to go as long as I can between xanax doses, I just don't like that once I take it, it takes a good hour to kick in. Not normal, I know. I'm like the exception to every anxiety rule sometimes, it seems.

I appreciate your quick response. I'll try to cross that off the list of things I'm worrying myself about. And no - definitely NO driving for me until I'm over this episode. It takes me awhile to get back into the swing of things and trust that it's really over. I pray this one is a short one and is on the way OUT!