View Full Version : Anxiety/Acid Reflux & GERD

Sunny Days
01-06-2012, 08:12 AM
Hello all!

I am new here. I should make a post over in the welcome section. To give you some background info: I am a 30 year old female. I am in good shape and to the best of my knowledge I am healthy. I have always had a nervous personality (which is always based around my health).

In August of 2010 I had a series of bad panic attacks. I went to the ER twice. They did 2 ekgs on me and told me it was panic disorder and acid reflux. I then was still obsessing over my heart (my biggest phobia is having something wrong with my heart), so my doctor had me do a 24 hour heart monitor. Everything came back normal and I was told that my increased heart rate was from anxiety attacks, and the fullness in my chest which is accompanied by burning and belching alot is the acid reflux. I felt a bit better after these tests. However, lately I've been under a great deal of stress (I don't really like my job and I have some confusion within my relationship). I have been experiencing that fullness in my stomach/chest which makes me feel a little short of breath. I also have the slight burning in my throat and the constant belching. I went to my doctor yesterday and he prescribed me Prilosec. The ER doc a while ago told me to take that too but I never did. I have always been anti meds and I get nervous taking things because I don't know how my body will react. I have never even tried anything for the anxiety.

I guess my question is, do any of you get this bad reflux too? My doctor told me being nervous and stressed produces more stomach acid and that he believes there to be a correlation between the reflux and anxiety. However, now that I am feeling this fullness in my chest I go back to those same heart worries. I keep telling myself it's just the reflux but I'm having a hard time concentrating at work. I wasn't able to get to the pharmacy last night but I will go on lunch today to get the Prilosec and I guess I'll try it. Thanks in advance!!

01-06-2012, 08:36 AM
Sunny, so common these stomach issues with anxiety. Read this article, at least the top part anyway and it will shed some light.

At the root is your anxiety causing this not the other way around. If you treated for anxiety(often an ssri and a few talks with a counselor to get all your stresses out in the open so to speak)I bet you'll feel better. Your anxiety will wax and wane with lifes stresses.
Reducing the stomach symptoms is just a band aid. IMHO. I say this because you acknowledge having a "nervous personality"(like me:)). I can tell you at 30 with passing a holter test and EKG, you are healthy(docs are pretty good at finding physical problems). This is anxiety brought out by all the stress is life and your own wonderful(but nervous) personality.
Come right out and ask your doc if treating your anxiety would be a better idea and see his/her response. Message me any time. Alankay.

Sunny Days
01-06-2012, 11:06 AM
alankay thank you so much for responding! My primary care doc has actually tried prescribing me Lexapro and Xanax in the past but I never filled the scripts. I read and hear so many horror stories about these kinds of medications that I developed a fear of them. I think I am so in-tune with my body that I feel/notice everything. Along with the Anxiety/Reflux I also have bad allergies. It doesn't help that I am an equestrian and riding my horse seems to make the allergies worse. I will most definitely be reading the link you posted, thanks again! :)

01-08-2012, 03:58 AM
Hello all!

I guess my question is, do any of you get this bad reflux too? My doctor told me being nervous and stressed produces more stomach acid and that he believes there to be a correlation between the reflux and anxiety. However, now that I am feeling this fullness in my chest I go back to those same heart worries. I keep telling myself it's just the reflux but

I dont have the heart worries but the reflux gets me for sure, like alankay said, the anxiety increases stomach acid and hey presto, you get reflux! Most people on the forums here have probably had it to some degree! Just keep telling yourself that its nothing to worry about and its only anxiety. Once you no longer attach the fear to it it will reduce down!