View Full Version : OK What Works ??

01-06-2012, 07:45 AM
We all come here to share our fears and get support or to see if we really are so unique that NO ONE else ever felt this way. What we all really want is to stop suffering and find peace again - so lets share what we have found that works (not drugs).

I don’t mean passive things like watching TV or a project but ways to calm - soothe and reassure a raw nervous system !!

For me sessions of slow paced diaphragm breathing can bring some major relief. If I could discipline myself to doing a half dozen 15 minute sessions a day it can really change the tone of the nervous system

Sunny Days
01-06-2012, 11:22 AM
Razzle- for me, I have found that doing alot of research about anxiety/panic attacks has helped. I started to look at it with more interest then fear. The more I learn about it (the symptoms, etc.), the less I fear it. Also, talking with people who have experienced it helps to know you are not alone.

Now, when I can start to feel the panic symptoms I try to slow my breathing (especially my exhale). I try not to take too deep of a breath because then I notice I will start to feel dizzy due to not enough Carbon Dioxide. I also try to stay in the moment and float with the feelings. I try to release all my muscle tension (slightly open my mouth- but always breathing through my nose, drop my shoulders down, release tension in my legs) etc. My problem is I let my thoughts catasrophize everything.

01-11-2012, 07:16 PM
For me, it has been exercise and meditation mainly. I found a combination of things that go along with those like listening to my body and realizing when I'm about to have a panic attack, and what I can do about it. I actually wrote a short book about it, with the hopes that it could help other people who are dealing with the same thing. I had NO IDEA how horrible panic attacks were until I started having them. I tried to post the link to my blog where you could get more info on the book if you're interested, but I don't have enough posts yet....let's see if this will work: www .project-lean/ finding-freedom (remove the spaces)