View Full Version : Job is causing my anxiety.

01-04-2012, 07:06 PM
Hello everyone, thank you in advance for any replies.

I have had anxiety issues for about 10 years, but I haven't really had a problem with it until the last few months. Previously my anxiety would be the occasional panic attack and I would feel down every now and then but for the most part I had no issue with it, it was more of an annoyance than a problem.

That all changed about 6 months ago, I was with family and started having chest pains, and of course I flipped out about it and spent most of that day having back to back panic attacks, I had to take a xanax just to be able to think, BTW the xanax was not mine, someone gave me one because they knew what was going on. After this day I spent the next week in an almost constant state of panic, I could barely function, I had no interest in anything work was extremely difficult and I could barely even eat. That episode stopped a week to the day from when it started almost like someone flipped a switch.

I got through the constant panic state, but since then I have found myself paranoid about things, I worry alot and anything that goes on with my body really scares me. I have been this way for about 6 months, but since then I have learned alot of things and I know how to control it most of the time and keep myself from going into bad panic attacks, but I still have issues with it. A little more history in there, I did go to the er about 3 times for chest pains, stomach pains, and other issues. The doctors always tell me everything is perfect.

I have noticed back pains, stomach issues, heartburn, headaches, and several other issues since all this started.

I have realized that my job is the problem, this all started about 6 months after starting this job, and during the time there I find myself getting very angry, and repeating over and over " I hate this job" I want to make clear, it is not anything at the job that has changed, it is the job itself, I absolutely HATE my job and am completely miserable doing it. I know the simple answer is quit, but I absolutely cannot do that, given the pay and benefits that I have there is really no other job that I can do and take care of my family.

So my question is what can I do, has anyone ever been in this situation? Are there any tips, tricks, anything I can do to get through this. And no I am not on any mes except the occasional xanax or ativan when absolutely needed, and I am not seeing a counselor but I plan to very soon.

Again I would be grateful for ANY help or suggestions, thank you.

01-05-2012, 05:02 PM
Well seeing counselor is great. For now my same old spiel, practice progressive relaxation, deep breathing exercises, get some aerobic exercise and limit caffeine and alcohol. Yeah the job can sure do it or be a last straw kid of deal. I bet a counselor will help allot. Maybe your GP can give you a script for a course(maybe 6 months) of zoloft to help ease things. Alankay.

01-05-2012, 06:36 PM
I am with alankay, I recommend the counsellor for sure. If you can learn some techniques and work through the problems you will be better for it for sure. You can go with the meds but personally I would try mange without them if possible. Good luck!