View Full Version : Using alcohol to attenuate anxiety symptoms

Electric head
01-04-2012, 08:21 AM
Hi all. This is my first post. Please be gentle with me.

I've suffered with panic disorder for about 22 years. I've been taking an SSRI for about 15 years. Just recently, my anxiety has been bad. Really bad. I've been drinking heavily in the evening to bring me down so I can sleep. I realise this is not going to help and tonight i will have my first dry night for some weeks. Have any of you been in this situation and do you have any tips? I'm already getting anxious about a horrible night with no sleep.

Thanks in advance.

01-04-2012, 12:58 PM
For me, a few hours after drinking alcohol, I would have heart palpitations and anxiety. The next day was horrible and usually included a panic attack. Don't drink to medicate. This is obviously the path to self-destruction. Once you have got your anxiety under control, you can drink once in a while if you want, but I don't think alcohol is really healthy ever. On this site you will have many ideas and techniques by many people to help your anxiety, instead of using alcohol.

01-04-2012, 02:13 PM
alcohol i feel certainly does help in the short term ie when you are drinking / drunk however its definetly a solution because the next day you are 100% worse. why does alcohol cause palpitations like the next day??