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01-03-2012, 02:57 PM
OK so i wanted to list my symptoms more clearly, i get all most tunnel vision, some time its hard to pay attention, some times vision is blurry, memory loss, irritated easily, feels like i want to crawl out of my skin some times, some times i feel just bl aw, some time's i have suicide thoughts as i think its my only way out, i get chills for no reasen, my face will get hot for no reason.... i never used to be like this i was fun 24/7, i am 19 years old i should not be like this, the only real time i look forward to is sleeping an that aint right :(... i have ben to the docs i have had the sesure test with the flashing light, a cat scan ect ect an im good there..... i am starting my pills the right way today 3 time a day i was taking them once a day.... 3 topiramate 50mg each, 1 levothyroxin 137mcg, 2 atenolol 50mg each, 3 hydroxyzine pam 50mg each, but i still dont think that would make a diffrence would it??? see i am just being a douwner lol i just need my spirt lifted, i am so scared i am goin to be like this for ever!! my mom said give my pills 10 days an they will work, i gess i was just lazy i should have taken them 3 times a day but i gess i was scared to take that many pills but if it fixes me

01-03-2012, 03:06 PM
Mont, have they made a diagnoses yet(even a preliminary one)? Are you sure you're supposed to take 2 atenolol, 50mg, 3 times a day??? Double check all meds with Mom(or whomever) and take as prescribed, no different. Have you told your doc you feel anxious/depressed or did he question you on that? Alankay.

01-04-2012, 02:09 AM
its 2 atenolol total aday sorry... i have beig seeing him off an on about this for about a year, the other doc that gave me the topiramate said it might be anxiety but he's not sure, i was like thanks lol, so should i just continuie along with doing this for 10 days like my mom said???