View Full Version : Ok, I've got the blues and sadness really bad today. Stayed at my mom's for the past

01-01-2012, 06:56 PM
Ok, I've got the blues and sadness really bad today. Stayed at my mom's for the past two weeks and came home today, ended up crying all the way home. Guess I wanted to stay at her house-don't really why. I lived with her up until about 3 months ago-then moved out to a house with two other people. I've been really blue all afternoon. I know its time to get back to the "real world"- my job (am a teacher and school starts back tomorrow) and other things. Guess I just have the blues. I know live out in the country so it's hard to just get up and go somewhere without spending the money for gas and time. Any ideas on how to make myself feel better? They tell me this is anxiety and I'm not sure abou that.Thanks.

01-01-2012, 07:26 PM
The line between anxiety and depression is so fine I'm not sure there even is one. Anxiety did make me very emotional, crying a lot, very clingy. I'm lead to believe its anxiety, as when I tackled it, the sad thoughts reduced significantly.

I never found a way beyond them though. Obviously you have to ensure you don't believe them. If your mind tells you you're a bad person, or you're a failure, or whatever, and you believe it, it's a problem, but if it's just the blues, sadly I never met anyone who really had anything to offer.

For me I just accepted I was feeling blue, and it was a process of anxiety. I had a small look at my life, and wondered if any changes would improve my well being. If I saw one or two reasonable ones, I put them away to work on. If not, I done whatever I could to feel comfortable, it sounds you did too, by being with your mom. I would eat comfort food and watch movies. Done my duties, then just took it real easy on myself. Sometimes our chemistry isn't quite right, and in that moment, there isn't much we can do about it, other than make it comfortable in a healthy way.

Do you think anxiety is an issue in your life right now? Have you done any work on it if you think it is?

Feel better soon!

01-01-2012, 08:13 PM
You sound depressed a bit to me. You don't sound distressed(anxious) so much as having a sad or low mood. Anxiety and depression sometimes occur together but you seem to be mainly unhappy/blue. How is the situation in the new home(with the 2 others)? Are you happy and comfortable with your roommates? We all have down moods and such. Don't worry about this unless it starts to interfere with work/family life/relationships or lasts for a while. Give it some time and I bet when you get busy with school, etc, you'll start feeling "normal" again. Alankay.

01-01-2012, 08:19 PM
I live in the country. it does get boring as hell. My trick is that I workout. Its gets everything off my mind. do some cardio, watch some TV and forget about everything. I hate driving into town sometimes and then you gotta drive all the way back home. I know where your coming from. For me people kinda stopped coming up here and chilling cause its outta town. So Im mostly alone here. I dont know if your workout but you just try it. Just a little cardio, get your mind of everything

take care cheer up


01-02-2012, 11:32 PM
I agree with what others have said, the line between anxiety and depression is a fine one. Its a bit like the chicken and the egg sometimes. Sometimes anxiety comes on as a by product of depression, sometimes we are depressed because we are anxious. Sometimes they are the same thing and sometimes they are different beasts completely. Personally I know I can have one or both of them but they are nearly always related in my case. You probably need to work out which one it is for you and progress from there! If you have been feeling worried and fearful the blues could be a result of that, its also possible to just feel down and sad for no apparent reason. It happens to us all at one point or another!

01-03-2012, 02:15 PM
I just want to add, as maybe I missed the situation. If you're undergoing treatment for anxiety or depression, and the odd days of sadness creap in, it's quite a natural part of healing, and will inevitably come.

My post was more in relation to that. Those bad days that pop up on our way to recovery. As ThePhoenix said, they can happen for no reason, and often we can drag them out by attaching a meaning to them. It's best to simply pass them off as 'the blues' and ride them out.

If you feel like this a lot, and it's unchecked, you may want to think about addressing it. It doesn't have to be anything major, just finding a couple of ways to make more sense out of life.

All the best :)