View Full Version : Im new and need some help people

01-01-2012, 04:26 PM
Im new here and just looking for some help

Hey everybody. Sometimes i get weird aniexty or panic attacks. I can be perfectly normal and then say to into the bank or a store and then start feeling like i cant breathe and get the panic. It started back in the summer when I had stomach problems. Its called GERD. I have done test and everything and they say my lungs are find. I was in cuba in november and i wojld be fine walking around, golfing etc but as soon as i when to eat at the big buffet area i started feeling weird. Trouble breathing, couldnt swallow my food. Felt like i was losing my mind and couldnt wait to get back to the room. It comes and goes but i find it getting worst these days. Im 25 years old and i cant even goe on dates cause i get worried about anxiexty now.

I heard the meds work really well? I have to do something. Anybody else get like this. I need help. Any info and shared storie would probaly help me out

Thanks. Steve

01-01-2012, 06:53 PM
Hey Steve,

Sounds like anxiety is beginning to progress, as it always does if left unchecked, so it's good you're getting in there, ready to learn some steps to overcome it.

The good news is that it isn't serious, medical wise, just very uncomfortable, and the prognosis is usually very good for people, but it does take time unfortunately.

Yeah, medicine does work pretty well really, even though it isn't without side effects. It's recommended to try a few strategies first though, as medicine isn't always a required root for a lot of people.

How is the GERD, under control now? The symptoms you've described are typical anxiety. I'll ask the obvious question, before people will help give some advice, is there anything (other than this) in your life thats stessing you out?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems your anxiety seems better outside, and worse within smaller spaces?

All the best

01-01-2012, 08:04 PM
Hey jesse, thanks for getting back to me. The GERD is okay now. what happened back in the summer I woke up in the middle of the night, couldnt breathe and stomach acid came up in my mouth and into my nose. Im pretty sure I had an infection. I was in rough shape. Sorry I know its gross. Went to the ER after feeling brutal for a couple weeks. All tests came back 100%. Doc put me on some proton pumps called TECTA. I dont get heartburn at all anymore but I get the GERD effect. shortness of breathe , dizzy spells etc. I read that GERD and anxiety are linked. Ever since this happened I have been getting cases of anxiety. Its hard talking to people about it cause people think your crazy or dont know how this effect every min of your life. People think GERD is just heartburn. Now that you mention the inside part I think your right. Now thinking about, I always hated eating out, always. I always made excuses not to go to family dinners over the years. How can I go on dates when I cant eat out ya know. Even at christmas dinner I almost lost it. started eating and felt like i couldnt breathe or swallow but manage to handle it some how. Now when I go to the bank, I pray those nobody in line so I can get in and out. The more I talk and think about, the more stuff I remember and realise how bad its getting and has been at times. The only thing that is stressing me out is this, it pisses me off at times. Im not a shy person at all, I can talk to anybody. For months I also was waking up in the middle of the night cause I couldnt breathe, my heart was pounding like crazy too. Sometimes it feels I cant even sleep. but been good lately. Its been going on way to long. Most of the time I feel really beat out and tired. I dont smoke or do drugs and eat healthy for the most part.

sorry to vent too much

take care sorry for the spelling era im brutal with them

01-26-2012, 09:37 PM
Steve, I meant to write a post to address this topic, but I was busy for a while and it slipped off the page.

How is life at the moment?

GERD and anxiety are very linked. The GERD causes anxiety, and the anxiety causes the GERD. Things like over breathing, heart palpitaions taking blood away from the stomach, poor posture etc all contribute to making it worse. I struggled with it for a while. Basic question, but do you drink enough water? As innocent as it sounds, this was a huge factor in limiting my symptoms.

My panic attacks were started by a health issue, so I understand how it can set everything off. It wasn't GERD but low blood pressure that set mine off. A short woozy spell left me fearing the worst. Before I knew it, I couldn't be 5 mins away from home, a police station, hospital or doctors surgery.

I'm just curious though, as to what's happening in your head. Not right now, but during these situations. Maybe you could take a notebook and pen, and go into a situation that bothers you slightly. Watch yourself for a minute or two, and really write down some honest s**t on the page. No holding back, if you're thoughts sound crazy on paper, no worries, if you lay into yourself, it's ok. No judgement here, we can leave it outside for a while, and just deal with whats there. I think it could be a real insight as to what goes on in your mind subconsciously. We may begin to see a pattern of events occurying, which we could put a stop to, in order to stop the cycle repeating. If nothing comes, maybe dig slightly deeper, probe a little. I think we're in denial with a lot of what happens in our head. For me, I found great help writing all this stuff on paper. Once it was there, and I was away from the situation, I had this big page of notes, and could really see for the first time the clock work mechanism in my head. I think this will help a lot when dealing with public places. Half the battle is figuiring out what exactly is wrong, ya know. Then you can work on resolving it

You could even do it somewhere where it's normal to write stuff and have a list, grocery shopping maybe.