View Full Version : Im new here and just looking for some help

01-01-2012, 04:56 PM
Hey everybody. Sometimes i get weird aniexty or panic attacks. I can be perfectly normal and then say to into the bank or a store and then start feeling like i cant breathe and get the panic. It started back in the summer when I had stomach problems. Its called GERD. I have done test and everything and they say my lungs are find. I was in cuba in november and i wojld be fine walking around, golfing etc but as soon as i when to eat at the big buffet area i started feeling weird. Trouble breathing, couldnt swallow my food. Felt like i was losing my mind and couldnt wait to get back to the room. It comes and goes but i find it getting worst these days. Im 25 years old and i cant even goe on dates cause i get worried about anxiexty now.

I heard the meds work really well? I have to do something. Anybody else get like this. I need help. Any info and shared storie would probaly help me out

Thanks. Steve

01-01-2012, 06:15 PM
Steve, yep. Very similar to my anxiety when I was younger. If you can't trace it to any specific stress(s) in your life, you might want to visit your GP(or counselor/therapist) and talk it over. You'd probably feel better talking about it all or starting an SSRI via your doc. Trust me the doc will have treated this before. You're not alone by any stretch. Stomach issues and anxiety sometimes go hand in hand. Hang in there and visit your doc. and tell him about the anxious feelings. That's what I'd do at first. Alankay