View Full Version : One big raw nerve !!

01-01-2012, 12:58 PM
I have never had anxiety this bad and had over 25 years of recovery so I am in uncharted territory for me. I have a question:

I feel like one totally raw nerve - every stimulus is overwhelming - just the water running down my body in the shower this morning was too much - the cat walking over the bed and watching TV is out of the question. It feels like every nerve is on the outside of my body and scraped raw. Going into a store is a total sensory assault and when I leave I am so much worse.

This is not about panic or agoraphobia I am just over stimulated by everything

There there is the physical symptom hell - too many to list but simply I feel so sick I can hardly function. To add to misery this past 8 weeks I have had SEVERE gut cramping and nausea 24/7 that never lets up.

I have had all the medical tests - have a therapist and have an extremely healthy lifestyle - doing what I can to do the recovery work - never will touch another psyche drug again - but here is my worry::::::::

I have never been this sick or tortured with anxiety - has anyone else been here????