View Full Version : Severe Anxiety

12-30-2011, 03:36 PM
Hi, i'm new here so please bear with me.

I have suffered with anxiety for quite a while now, and for the most part have managed it quite well without medication. More recently however my anxiety has become so severe it is causing huge problems with day to day life. I have seen my doctor, and have been referred to a psychologist but that won't be until late January, I just wondered if anyone had any ideas on how I could try and help myself more now, because as I said this is the worst it has been for me, and it is so very frightening.

I have tried relaxation, and breathing exercises etc, but even they are not as helpful now.

Any help or advice would be very much appreciated, thanks..

12-30-2011, 03:55 PM
Chelle, firstly can you track anything in your life right now that could be a new/major stressor for you? Change at work, sick family member, relationship issues, boss issues, financial troubles, child with a significant problem, etc. This may seem so basic but it needs to be gone over. If not when did you first notice the anxiety? Are you against meds like zoloft just to help until you can see the psychologist? Alan

12-30-2011, 04:14 PM
Hi Alan, I have an idea of what has made it so severe this time, it's a combination of lots of things that have built up. I'm not against medication, I just don't really want to have to go back to my doctor, he's not the most understanding of people.

12-30-2011, 04:28 PM
Chelle, well anxiety does kind of wax and wane with things like the holidays, etc. Have you had a hectic Christmas? Anything like that can aggravate anxiety. Stress for the most part.
In the UK's NHS can you see another doc(GP) or do you need to see a specified one before anyone else? Most docs are fairly sympathetic with anxious patients. Some docs will try a SSRI, beta blocker or even Atarax(a sedating antihistamine). Depends on the doc. but if you see another doc., he/she might better with anxious patients. Is your GP older? Just wondering. Anyway, talking help too. Message me any time at all. Alankay

12-30-2011, 05:22 PM
I found out that a friend had died just before christmas, suspected suicide, my brother is having to go back to Afghanistan for 7 months in March, I have the neighbours from hell, a landlord who comes into my flat when i'm not in (I caught him and there was no emergency), i've started having flashbacks again from stuff that happened when I was a child, and lots of other things that have all come at once. I live on my own, so I guess that fuels my anxiety too. I find it very difficult to ask for help from anyone, but have managed to talk to friends when I can. I was a bit apprehensive about posting on here, but am glad I did now. Thank you for your help..

12-30-2011, 05:43 PM
Chelle, well that all figures in. All that crap going on! All these things pile up and at some point there is a critical mass of sorts and I think you hit it and caused a spike in your anxiety. Happens to me and many of us as well. Flashbacks suggest, to me anyway, that a psychologist might be helpful in trying to put some of that stuff more or less to rest. Gotta try right?
To me having your personal privacy compromised might be the biggest issue. That would piss me off and if I had little recourse could cause me to get waayyy pissed and then maybe anxious as well. Did that happen last? The last straw kind of thing maybe.
Might help to make a list of all that's stressing you and any action that might lessen them. Just to acknowledge them will often be helpful. Many times this stuff just kinda sits below are our awareness and can bother us but it's often better getting them "out in the open" so to speak just for you to examine, etc. Happy New Year and message me any time.

12-30-2011, 05:52 PM
Sounds like a good idea writing it all down, i'll do that tomorrow. My landlord doing that was the last straw yes. Thank you so much for your help and understanding..Happy New Year to you too....

02-14-2012, 01:33 PM
Did something happen to you when you were a small child that triggers a post traumatic stress syndrome? Or have you ever been diagnosed with Bi-Polar? It is hard to know why your behavior is like this, many things trigger us in many different ways. You are not alone in what you are going through, most people don't want to admit it. I've had similar episodes throughout my life too. Who knows why they happen but they do. You get through them and move on and become stronger. I am almost 59 so I am a little more experienced than you. Keep strong and take charge of your life.
Good Luck

03-01-2012, 07:49 PM
Accurate diagnosing by a shrink is one of the major keys to getting better. An inaccurate diagnosis can lead to the psychiatrist to prescrible you the wrong medication. Hence, being as specific as you can is important when a shrink asks you questions about how you feel now and what past experiences you've been through. The more information a psychiatrist has, the better the chances he/she has of making an accurate diagnosis.

03-22-2012, 04:10 AM
Anxiety is “being afraid.” Anxiety is a consequence of perceiving danger. It activates a self-protection mechanism designed to alert us to, and protect us from, danger. We need it to survive and remain healthy and safe. Therefore, anxiety can’t be cured or eliminated.