View Full Version : Feeling Alienated From Family

12-07-2006, 04:01 AM
I've always felt like the "black sheep" in my family of four sisters. We do not relate to each other and we cannot communicate or bond. My family does not understand me.

Is this an anxiety symptom? I don't know...

It is difficult since you need love and support to deal with all this anxiety.

I feel alone. I have all my life. It's funny because all of my family members exhibit anxiety symptoms with the worst being my mother (included is OCD and depression as well).

I've tried to talk to them about it but I'm labelled as "stirring up things". They absolutely do not think they have any kind of "mental problem" as they like to call it (so closed to the possibility and not willing to educate themselves).

Therefore, I am in this alone and feel like I"m floating along in this world by myself (with the exception of a wonderful partner and loving 16 month old).

Disconnection - I've always felt it and thought it was ME.

Now I know it's the GAD and some family circumstances combined.

I still feel unloved within my family but at least I know the cause.

Sorry for venting this out but I need to express my realizations as it helps me to understand what is going on.

Anyone else relate here?


12-08-2006, 02:02 AM
Im not a doctor by any means, but, This sounds a little more like depression than anxiety to me.

Do you feel detached/lonely/alone
Unreal, Depersonalized, Self Spectator ?

Big difference in these feelings, try your hardest to decypher how you feel so you can begin to educate and medicate if needed.

Keep us informed.