View Full Version : Looking for advice...

12-29-2011, 12:41 PM

About two year ago I started feeling unwell - nausea, headaches and dizzy spells, which seemed to last most of the day. Only recently I have started to notice this feeling comes along with something happening - my birthday, christmas, my cousins wedding. It has been suggested that it is a fear of being out of my comfort zone. I start to think of something at these events that makes me nervous and I can't seem to shake it. I think about it so much that I start to make myself feel sick.

For example - recently had a big birthday and felt sick the whole day, until I made my speech and I felt fine. I just assumed I caught a bug but the more this happens the more I think I was nervous about speaking in public.

I understand it's normal to feel anxious about public speaking or meeting new people but I seem to make myself ill and my latest was I never ate for four days before christmas. (I think it was anxiety for meeting my boyfriends parents.)

Does anyone feel like this or know of a way to get past it, I would appreciate any suggestions you have.

Thanks :)

12-30-2011, 04:55 PM

About two year ago I started feeling unwell - nausea, headaches and dizzy spells, which seemed to last most of the day. Only recently I have started to notice this feeling comes along with something happening - my birthday, christmas, my cousins wedding. It has been suggested that it is a fear of being out of my comfort zone. I start to think of something at these events that makes me nervous and I can't seem to shake it. I think about it so much that I start to make myself feel sick.

For example - recently had a big birthday and felt sick the whole day, until I made my speech and I felt fine. I just assumed I caught a bug but the more this happens the more I think I was nervous about speaking in public.

I understand it's normal to feel anxious about public speaking or meeting new people but I seem to make myself ill and my latest was I never ate for four days before christmas. (I think it was anxiety for meeting my boyfriends parents.)

Does anyone feel like this or know of a way to get past it, I would appreciate any suggestions you have.

Thanks :)

Hey ya,

It certainly sounds like its fear related and your right, public speaking is something that makes lots of people feel ill. One of my friends at Uni would feel sick and throw up before any presentation or exam! The more you focus on the aspect that you fear the bigger the monster it becomes, creating a bigger fear and so on.

I personally find distraction works quite well, I take my mind off the fear by doing something else whenever it comes up...cleaning, exercising, game, music....etc.

The other option is face the fear head on, personally I hate public speaking as well but by doing enough of it or putting yourself in the situation enough you begin to realise there actually isnt anything to fear.

12-30-2011, 11:06 PM
I feel your pain regarding the obsessive thinking. I do the same thing. I know I need to STOP THINKING ABOUT THIS, and that I'm more often than not blowing it out of proportion, but I have not been particularly successful about stopping it lately.

01-02-2012, 05:28 AM
Thanks for the advice I will give it a try.

I get the same advice from anyone I ask ... "Just don't think about it" and i'm sure you will understand thats all you want to do but it is easier said than done so I appreciate other advice than what I usually get!

Thanks :)

01-02-2012, 07:50 AM
Yeah you have allot of Anticipatory Anxiety

for stuff like that. Most often it's worse then actually whatever your anxious about doing. I hate it too but have found that knowing it's a scenario that's common helps. What I've done is used to anxiety to fuel my preparation instead of just worrying so much up front. Many think that's the whole reason for Anticipatory Anxiety(we just have it worse), to get us to prepare. Makes sense. Alankay.