View Full Version : Does this sound like anxiety related

12-06-2006, 06:23 PM
Hi everyone. I am a 26 year old male that works for a medium sized company. For the last 4 years I have had this pressure feeling on the top of my head like wearing a hat and my vision is not blurred but, more like I'm looking through glass all the time. I have floaters in the eyes and they feel dry a lot but yet they water alot. I'm sleepy all the time, can't remember stuff well, short attention span, fatigue and my speech gets slurred and I can't pronounce words even if I go really slow. Its like I get a lisp or my tongue feels numb. I have also get heart palpations at random times. In stressful situations these symptoms get worse. I have these symptoms almost 24-7. Once every few months I'll feel great for a day then it’s back to the foggy feeling life again. I have restless leg sometimes but I get plenty of sleep. I'm not overweight and eat decent. My jaws don't click or hurt but sometimes my ears itch and feel full like I need to pop them but can't. Allergy tests came back negative for anything. Thyroid is in normal range. MRI came back fine. Blood tests came back fine. If I drink alcohol in excess then the next few days are horrible. I don't have any pain anywhere which discredits Lymes. I don't seem depressed; in fact I would love to go out with friends if I wasn’t afraid of having a sleepy, foggy headed, slurred speech attack. I'm not under a lot of stress. Vitamins and magnesium seem to help a little. Mornings are worse than evenings most of the time. My doc seems to be stuck on the idea of anxiety. I used to have panic attacks in college but they went away years ago. Does this sound like anxiety to anyone.

12-07-2006, 04:05 AM
I cannot say if you have anxiety but you may have some symptoms of it...

Continue to read the posts and educate yourself on that possibility.

I do not have social anxiety nor am I afraid of going out or being around people.

It's the opposite for me. I need the stimulation of friends and going out - otherwise I feel smothered.

It is different symptoms and degrees for everyone.

Keep posting and asking questions - this will help you pinpoint the degree of anxiety and type you may have.


12-07-2006, 04:22 AM
it sounds a lot like anxiety to me.

Loads of people have floaters in their eyes, as do I. I have one in my left eye and if i think back it's been there for a long time but I only started getting bothered by it when the anxiety started. This is because anxiety and stress give you a heightened awareness of your senses. Therefore things that would have passed you by before stand out as unusual.

The feeling of wearing a hat is very likely to be a tension headache, described by most people as a band around their head. I've had these and they suck but go away with a good tension headache painkilller (Syndol is great if you're in the UK)

I was told by a nutritionalist that anxiety can cause dry sore eyes because adrenaline dehydrates you. The same reason you can get a dry mouth when stressed.

Palpitations, whilst unsettling, are harmless, especially as you've been so thoroughly tested by the docs.

Lots of people report feeling numbness from anxiety, many on the face, so I can't see why the same couldn't apply to your tongue.

I also get strange ear stuff. Mainly mild tinitus which sometimes gets worse and I have twice had the hearing in my right ear go muffled for about a day each time. This has also been accompanied with 'fulness' and itching. My doctor is convinced it's to do with blocked tubes but it only came on with the anxiety and it seems like a lot of people with anxiety get something similar so who knows.

You've had alot of medical checks (as have I) and no-one has found anything to worry about so try hard to believe them.

I know that it's not easy but places like this can help a ton.

12-23-2006, 04:35 AM
Agree. I don't think you have anything physical, but this should be told by a doctor. One thing I can add is that even if you don't "feel" anxious or depressed, you might be at a certain degree. What I'm saying is that the anxiety might be expressed through more somatic symtoms rather than something you can "feel" mentally. In any case don't stress about the stress and do the things you enjoy. Things will get better if you do.