View Full Version : do i have anxiety

12-28-2011, 07:48 PM
hello, so i will start at the beginning, i was at school picking my sister up, i was waiting in the car and all of a sudden i felt like getting out of the car and flipping out. i felt like i was not real.. i have never felt like that, so i came home, and for the last few weeks i felt like i was on crack almost lol, i was kind of jumpy ect ect, so i went to the docs, they put me on a few meds like vistaril, and Prozac, i was on them for about 7month and then started having bad thoughts so my doc took me off the Prozac, he thought maybe migraines were causing these problems. So i went to talk to another doc and he put me on topiramate.. i have felt a little better off and on for a little over a year now but, i get irritated alot easier, i feel dizzy alot of the time, my head feels hot when some times the rest of my body is cold, like i said some days i'm good others are bad, i just want to get this problem fixed, i have been fighting it for over a year now and it feels like i am almost losing, im 19 and got my whole life ahead of me and i can't even move on because of this :(, im not sure if im crazy hahahah or if its just in my head lol i just dont know how to break this problem, can you people please help me?

12-28-2011, 08:11 PM
Mont, well it could be anxiety. But I'm not hearing words that make me say "oh yeah, anxiety for sure". There are just some descriptions that nail it for anxiety. I didn't hear them here........no that that's definitive. It's just me giving a first opinion on what I've heard. Your doc might be it or more likely correct. It might be some kind of migraine problem.
Keep chasing a diagnoses by recording your symptoms. Make a log and by day and time and write down symptoms for the doc including meds, diet, how you slept and any significant activity(exercises) whether is was a school day, day off, work day and try using that to track your symptoms back to a better/correct diagnoses. It's all about the correct diagnoses. Wrong diagnoses............probably wrong treatment...unhappy patieint and doctor too believe it or not they want to nail it and get you treated properly. Alankay

12-30-2011, 01:46 AM
OK thanks, ya its just weird, some times i just feel blaw, other times i'm OK not really like my old self but OK..... before all this started i do remember feeling like this once when i was driving up to go get my mom, i was driving an all off a sudden i felt like i had to pull over, almost like my skin was crawling i got like the chills almost, i got the feeling wanted to just drive in to a tree??? it was weired, i picked here up an made her drive home, an the next day i was fine... i have had cat scans, seizure test with the lights an nothing....

12-30-2011, 07:59 AM
Mont, Hmmm. Any other symptom(s), I mean why did you feel you had to get out of the car? Was it just the skin sensations and chills? I don't mean to pry but also don't want to ask you specific questions on symptoms because that could be suggesting some things and folks, sometimes trying hard to figure it out are like "ahh yeah, ahh maybe, now that you mention that I think so, yeah I felt that". That scenario if you understand. Any psychological symptoms(I mean emotions specifically). I'm not messing with you but the best info. is given free of any kind of suggestive influence if you get me. I still think it could be anxiety. Maybe. Alankay