View Full Version : change in sleeping pattern

12-27-2011, 07:02 PM
I have recently noticed a change in my sleeping pattern.
I used to go to bed at a reasonable time and even if i stayed up a bit later than usual, i still get a good 6-9 hours and feel rather refreshed when i wake, sometimes i feel like i didnt sleep much but it wasnt a big deal.

But, i havent slept for 2 days now. I do feel tired and feel i could sleep but i just cant get to sleep. I lay in bed and just stare at the ceiling or toss and turn all night, those times i actually go sleep its disturbed, i keep waking up and struggle to get back to sleep, its really starting to frustrate me, my concentration is decreasing and im distant and really moody. its been like this for a couple of weeks now. Maybe im just not relaxed enough to sleep?
Sometimes i worry about stuff when im in bed but sometimes its like im not even thinking.

Does any one have any techniques they use before bed that could help, or just any advice really would be great


12-27-2011, 09:12 PM
Well stress at some level is usually the culprit here. Keep a pitch black room, cut out TV when trying to fall asleep, etc,(google sleep hygiene). I sometimes sleep inverted(flip so your head lies where your feet usually do). I don't know why but that sometimes helps. Sleepy time teas(chamomile) at bedtime can help. Don't exercise before bed(maybe 4 hours between sleep and exercise). Alankay

12-28-2011, 04:28 AM
Thanks for the reply, i think i have been a bit stressed lately, this time of year is usually stressful.
Thanks for the advice i'll try some of the things you mentioned :)


12-29-2011, 02:27 PM
I had the exact same problem ! I had to turn myself into a boring night time person and i have a very strict routine that i stick to now to ensure i get to sleep, and it seems to be working a treat , no problems for a few months now.
I start settling down at 6pm (no laughing hehe) i eat dinner earlier (about 4pm) i ban myself from the computer from 6pm to stop stimulating my mind, and i normally put on a movie that relaxes me at around 8pm and lay there quietly and always fall asleep within half an hour and sleep for nine hours straight !
Meditation helps loads to (i do do it throughout the day)
Good Luck xx

12-29-2011, 05:37 PM
If thats what works for you than i shall not laugh :)
Sounds like a pretty good routine though, i think i need to get one too in order to relax my mind and body before bed, i think my mind is too active at bed times
