View Full Version : Taking stress to another level

12-25-2011, 01:02 PM
Is it possible, through extreme will power, to put up with stress to such an extent over a long period of time until it becomes something that feels manageable. I feel that I have put up with stress in a way which I call the (there's no choice method), like needing to relax but not being able to due to work, trying to pay bills, family problems, whilst struggling with social anxiety, panic disorder, generalized anxiety, ocd, perfectionism, extreme low self esteem to the point where it doesn't even seem too difficult anymore (there is no choice, can't afford treatment etc), until one day like what has happened to me recently your body just says ok fuck you and you pass out, read my other post* and you have uncontrolable panic attacks, heart palpitations, unorderly heartbeats, chest pains, heavy legs and arms. I was recently feeling quite happy, of course stressed and anxious but just got used to it through so much of it sorta became the norm for me, but recently my body just couldn't take it anymore and it felt like a fuse had blown and now I am currently resting because I can barely go out the house without feeling anxious and having anxiety attacks.

12-25-2011, 03:56 PM
Yep, my pdoc told me in time if I kept remaining in situations where I became anxious/panicky you could get to the point where you'd see it gets no worse and doesn't kill you and anxiety would(might) dissipate. Unfortunately most cannot tolerate that(I couldn't) but for those who can, I guess the neurotransmitters correct themselves and return to an equilibrium of sorts. I guess it's not 100% sure it will go that way for all patients.