View Full Version : Sudden Breakdown/heart palpitations/passing out

12-24-2011, 11:41 AM
Ok, so i've been under a lot of pressure lately, from college and work and have put pressure on myself to do as well as possible with studies, at work etc combined with the social anxiety I have and all the stress from family problems which like always I like to handle and smile through and am capable of doing do. I seem to be very good at letting things bottle up and can still get through without much happening to me. I was diagnosed with moderate anxiety and panic disorder (but a mild diagnosis, which is very manageable). so anyway it was around 11:30am on monday morning this past week and i was working through a shift in the kitchen, when suddenly, out of nowhere everything was slowly shutting down, by this i mean i had full awareness of my heart, headache, lightheaded, heavy legs and felt heavy and slow, rapid and irregular heart rate and eventually i passed out. I woke up 30 minutes later feeling much better but since then my energy has been very low, all my body wants is sleep, i have become more aware of my heart, i get frequent headaches and my vision seems to have got slightly worse. Right now i do not feel too bad after having relaxed for a whole week but i still feel like a fuse has blown like something is not right. Have i just been bottling things up for too long? what is wrong with me, my physical health is not too bad. Can stress do this?

12-24-2011, 12:10 PM
Mace, I think your anxiety is kind of peaking right now. Mine does when I get way too busy at work or something. Yeah racing heart with some palpitations are sure from anxiety. Typical in fact but NOT fun. Try to do some progressive relaxation, deep breathing exercise and try an relax a bit and be assured your anxiety will calm down. Have you started an meds.? SSRI's when starting can make you anxious before making less anxious over time. Message me any time. Alan.

12-24-2011, 05:45 PM

You need to see a doctor. You passed out for 30 minutes. That may not just be anxiety. I don't think you need to worry. I mean you are still here, and you are ok, but this warrants a definite doctor check up. Nobody on this website can diagnose your condition. If it were me, I would get a full blood work up at the doc, then go to a cardiologist and get an EKG and an echo cardiogram. The general practitioner can get you the referral for the cardiologist or whoever he thinks you should see. I wonder if you have high blood pressure.

I hope I don't scare you. You're here and ok, so don't worry, but you have physical symptoms and physical symptoms warrant a check up. Then if everything checks out, you can know and not wonder. Many times durign panic attacks I felt I was going to pass out but I never actually did. Since you were out for 30 minutes, this warrants a check up. "rapid and irregular heartbeats." I mean are you talking non stop irregular and extremely fast like in atrial fibrillation or panic fast with a skip or 2?

Get it checked out.

Please keep us posted!