View Full Version : my story of sa and agoraphobia

12-04-2006, 12:01 AM
hello everybody,
iam a 26 year old male who has been struggeling with social anxiety from the age of 5. when i was in the 10th grade i noticed my sa started to become agoraphobia. i come from a low income hispanic family and clearly they never believed me and my problems, symptoms, and complains. i finally got help at the age of 18. however, the medication never really helped me and i was not ready for the therapy at that time. i eventually decided to go to college to help myself understand my disorder so i got a BA in psychology and a masters in psychiatric social work. about a year ago i started to see a therapist for about 6 months and got on effexor xr and i noticed something that i have not noticed before no anxiety, dont get me wrong i have anxiety when i give presentations but never like before. i dont want to encourage anybody to take medications but they really helped me. i sometimes still feel shy but i come to realize thats my personality and thats okay. i wish i could help everyone that suffers from sa and agoraphobia. if anybody ever needs support, i am here. finally, i have decided to apply to medical school to become a psychiatrist to attempt to find cures and better medication support for these problems and to create awareness for all those kids who dont know whats going when they are having anxiety and panic attacks.
bye :oops: [/b]

01-04-2007, 08:49 PM
I'm really happy for you. I wish I would have someone tell me this years ago. I'm 15 and in the 9th grade, I think I've had this since I was in 5th grade, maybe younger, I can't recall. I'm happy you got better and that you are trying to help others. I'm just now going to see a therpist and I'm nervous and happy at the same time.

Best of luck.
