View Full Version : Holiday anxiety

12-22-2011, 06:07 PM
Hey everybody as you may now christmas is almost upon us and my family is renting a house on an island for 6 days over christmas and my anxiety shot through the roof and i'm feeling heavily nauseated aswell as dizzy and disorientated. it's currently day 2 and still feeling unwell i'll be glad once im back home i hope everyone else is having a nice time as i surely am not

P.S. if your having a bad time let me know as i would like to know how everyone else is feeling.

12-22-2011, 06:23 PM
Yoda, is there no one there to talk to and help get you calmed down, etc? Do you think no one will understand?

12-22-2011, 07:58 PM
thanks alankey for replying yes there are people there like my auntie and mum and grandma. Mum and auntie don't understand what it is like to feel like i do with the anxiety,nausea and the other symptoms i experience. The only one who understands is grandma as she experenced anxiety as a child aswell as a phobia of restaurants and llarge crowds but eventually grew out of it so to speak.

plus i would also like to ask a question:
Is it possible to get a disease that trigger an anxiety disorder or not.
For example i have been getting massive nausea spells for the past 2 years that the doctors are still trying to figure out iv had gastroscopy and blood tests done aswell as a biopsy. And has heeded no results doctor thinks it could also be post nasal drip as during these episodes i can feel mucus going donw my throat and i have a really stuffed up nose even tho i dont have a head cold.

So is it possible that this problem could have triggered my nxiety and caused a anxiety disorder?

12-23-2011, 12:07 AM
Sure a health concern can lead to, understandably, anxiety. For some, probably as small number, it may lead to anxiety/anxiety disorder much as a soldier can get PTSD if involved in combat but otherwise wouldn't have developed that, even though other guys in his unit wouldn't get it. That's because perhaps the other guys are less predisposed to it. Most folks get past any anxiety from a health scare or condition that gets resolved but for some, anxiety lingers. They experienced enough stress/worry to go past a point that for them causes to manifest anxiety for a longer term due to, perhaps a bit of a predisposition to it. Some might move past it in time, others may have much longer. Much like PTSD can fade or not. PTSD is a form of anxiety and why I used it in examples. A common complaint that often goes along with anxiety is gastrointestinal issues. Some feel there is a relation, like anxiety sort of aggravates the gastrointestinal tract. Like stress can cause a headache. I get loose stools sometimes under allot of stress but it pretty mild. My Mom has the same issue but a little worse(I think she also has a little anxiety). Rest assured I have never read that such gastro aggravations leads to anything other than, passing nuisance type issues. And of course, some anxiety about it all. Message me any time.

12-23-2011, 03:02 AM
Thanks alot again alankay for your advice i know deep down that it won't hurt me or kill me but i just can't help thinking it will do me in but i try to calm myself down which works about 60-70% of the time and thankfully mum was able to get internet up here via a dodo modem stick which has given us some internet access on the island which has definently helped alot as i distract myself with games. I am probablly gonna go to a psychologist after we get back and see if we can get it under control and end this horrible nightmare then we justt have to tackle the physical aspect and hopefully ill be normal again:)

thanks alot alankay
P.S. if anyone else reads this share your story as i would like to know how everyone else is:)

12-23-2011, 07:30 AM
I think a psychologist/counselor would be a good move. It does just sound like, to me anyway, you're just anxious and anxiety has a way of grabbing on to a physical thing(stomach issues, etc) and kind of using that as an "outlet"(worrying about it). I bet it would help and I wouldn't be surprised that if you can reduce your anxiety, your nausea will also go down. In the mean time, practice progressive relaxation, do some deep breathing exercises(google that term), get some aerobic exercise(even walking), limit caffeine and alcohol and indeed try distracting yourself anyway you can and you'll likely feel better. If there is any kind of store on the island see if the have a "sleepy time tea" like Chamomile teas for sleep/anxiety reduction(they can help). Any antihistamine can also help you sleep as they has some anti-anxiety properties. Message any time!