View Full Version : Fast Heartrate Upon Waking

12-21-2011, 01:15 PM
When I wake up in the morning, as soon as I stand up my HR rockets. Usually to about 160bpm. Whilst I'm in bed it's normal. And then it will stay elevated whilst slowly calming for about 20 minutes.

I think it's linked to smoking.

I've noticed this for years. I noticed when I stop smoking it does not happen. But, the power of nicotine draws me back to the cancer stick. I stopped smoking 2 days ago, and this morning I was totally fine. Sadly, I hit the stick again about an hour ago. So much stress, so close to Christmas, I can't deal with it. I get really angry and annoyed when I stop.

Anyway, what is this link and why does it happen? Has anyone else noticed this?