View Full Version : At it again...

Slammed Vdub
12-20-2011, 11:30 PM
I was doing well lately, my anxiety was down as well as OCD. Ive always had cold hands or cold feet and idk why. Lately its like its hard to move my fingers and toes in certain motions or move them quickly. Also i can stumble on works and mic up letters, and it has become more difficult to type on a keyboard and text on a phone. So i went to google. (Big Mistake) Ive seen Parkinson's Disease which fit alot of the symptoms. Anyone else have this? And this brought back the anxiety. Oh boy.... And im only 19.

Slammed Vdub
01-06-2012, 01:17 AM
its getting worse more than anything, i have heard from some resourceful people that it could be carpel tunnel, form video games and texting, which is more common in my generation. But my anxiety has seem so only come at night an not very often. But unfortunately, that time is now. Common symptoms, just annoying. I also cant sleep at al and when i do its like 3 or 4 am so i wake up at 2 pm and do nothing ALL day, which i bet makes it all worse.

11-06-2014, 10:22 AM
Slammed Vdub - did you find out what was wrong? I hope you're doing better.