View Full Version : Scared

12-20-2011, 07:48 AM
My anxiety is usually under control, but about once a month it really flares up and lasts about a week. I am constantly worried about everything and i feel as if I am losing my mind. What really scares me is that i really have no physcial symptoms, for me its all mental. I have random thoughts just flying through my head, sometimes i kind of just blank out and start making up weird stories in my head, then its like i come back to reality and get so scared about why am I thinking these things and making stories. I get to the point where I feel like i want to jump out of my skin and just start screaming. I get so scared that im going insane, or that i will hurt someone or myself when i really would never do that! Has anyone else exprienced this....please help

12-20-2011, 08:20 AM
Tucker, yeah when I first started to have anxiety. Then I did get a racing heart, shaking but not all folks get the same symptoms. We are all different in exactly how anxiety manifests itself. Yours seem more purely psychological and I assure you, it's allllllll anxiety. Key word you used is "scared", which is "distressed" just different words for anxiety. Racing thoughts sure can be from anxiety. I think that's what you have going on. Have you seen a doc or counselor?

12-21-2011, 01:09 PM
Ya I have seen my family doctor and he set me up with a consuler, so i have seen her twice now and it seems to be promising. But i've just recently picked up a new fear i guess you would call it. I am scared of becoming schizophrenic....i dont know why but i keep researhcing it on the computer and thinking that i have some of the symptoms! When i think about becoming schizo i get this deep unsettling feeling in the pit of my stomach and it makes me feel so nervous. I just want know if this is a normal feeling or not, is it normal to fear a mental illness or am i actually becoming schizo! please someone respond and let me know if this something you have experienced.

12-21-2011, 01:54 PM
I am a 25 yeard old female, and actually this usually really flares up nad gets intense around the week that my monthly cycle starts. I asked my doctor about that, because I thought this could be due to hormones aswell and he said that hormones have nothing to due with my anxiety...maybe he was wrong. All i know is that this feeling is terrible, i just want to crawl into a hole until it ends.....

Slammed Vdub
12-21-2011, 11:22 PM
I actually have almost identical issues. It only comes back a few days a month now. I was diagnosed with OCD, and im on no meds right now.

12-22-2011, 01:15 AM
Tucker, I'm sure it's allll anxiety. Anything that makes you feel, well bad or effect you negatively can sort of "pile on" and add to you anxiety(make you worry more). If the core feeling you're having is being "scared", it's anxiety. Like myself and most anxious folk, you may have an energetic, imaginative and active mind. This when added to being scared can result in you developing, like I did, various scenarios("is this wrong with me, is that wrong with me, etc, etc"). I assure you, it's alllll anxiety playing it not so funny game, scaring the bejesus out of you. Recognize it as that. Nothing else. The very definition of anxiety, just anxiety, can be described just as you said in an earlier post("i get this deep unsettling feeling in the pit of my stomach"). It's anxiety first, last and always. Nothing more.

12-26-2011, 03:11 PM
hormones do play a part in anxiety, my anxiety greatly increased straight after having my third baby which then lead into a breakdown im ok now but every month i have a spell of a bad few days then i get my period so, and my doc agrees with me it didnt cause my anxiety but it does play a part in it!

12-26-2011, 04:23 PM
I agree with the hormones. I have been tracking my panic attacks and days when I don't feel like myself and it happens to be around when I'm about to get my period. I used to be a smoker and would just go outside whenever I was stressed, but once I quit smoking (since July of 2011), I have noticed more of a pattern with my episodes. It could just be a coincidence, however I just find it kind of odd.

12-26-2011, 04:40 PM
Sure, menstruation can cause an increase in, for various reason(hormones)............anxiety. Anything negative, like a hangover, fight with a boyfriend, job stress, etc, can increase or have the effect of increasing..... anxiety. It all comes back to anxiety and anything that can aggravate/increase it. My pdoc used to tell me the details are interesting(going into my fears of what I might do, etc) but he said at the end of the day, decrease your anxiety, you'll decrease your scary thoughts/fears, etc, as it's alll just anxiety. Whatever the flavor for the patient(ie, how it manifests itself and that's my point). Anxiety is the fuel and the fire is the exact fears/thought/somatic symptoms for the individual.