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12-19-2011, 04:45 PM
Ok so just need some advice :) ok ive had what I think is pretty bad anxiety for the last year, but I can seem to cope with it like I had a period where I would repeat my name in my name in my head (stuck thoughts) and it really worried me and then one day I didn't let it bother me and it stopped and my anxiety was fine for like 2 months! But now I'm paranoid im going to start hearing voices! But I know for a fact I'm fine and I won't! But it gets me really anxious when I start thinking about it and I analyse every sound I hear just to
Make sure I'm not hearing it in my head and now my repetive thoughts have started again! I keep repeating my name in my head! Its like im paranoid theyre going to sound Real soon but I know it's just me repeating
My name in my head! crazy I know haha but
I'm complete sane I can assure you that btw I'm a 17 year old student
12-19-2011, 04:54 PM
What we focus on becomes our focus . Just like hearing that song in the morning and you cant get it out of your head .
My tip is to just let it past and distract yourself with something else , anything from a walk to a crossword puzzle .
cheers kev :)
Very gratefull for the reply kev! I will sure give it
Ago :)
12-19-2011, 05:07 PM
Anyone else?
12-19-2011, 05:29 PM
Alot of anxiety works like this .
Anxiety really is just another addiction weather it is a thougt or a symptom such as a buzz . Once your remove your focus you dont notice it .
Look at it this way you may be in your room , feeling like crap and focusing in on something and dwelling and then someone you like rings or comes by and you get yapping and
you forget all about it .
When they leave you may think whats missing and remember it and start thinking about it again .
With my driving it worries me more when i am away but now i go and have increased symptoms while in car and thinking and then while i am away doing things i am fine . As soon as i get back in the car i start thinking and it returns . Another one to work on :)
Distraction is one of the best things to learn with anxiety . Hard when your board driving :(
Omg that is so true what you just said! Like I'll be sat in my room
And I'll be feeling really anxious and concentrating on my anxiety then my friend comes
Round we get talking and it's like I forget about these problems! Same when I drink alcohol! I feel fine and then when I wake up the next morning my anxiety is sky high!
12-19-2011, 06:35 PM
Yep. It's an tiny obsessive pattern that can happen(which anxiety is related to anyway as is depression). Much like a song stuck in your head which can happen to even "non-anxious" folks. Think of it as that(sound stuck in the head) but "on steroids" for us anxious folks. Same pattern Jason and you will be relieved when the pattern fades away, just like when that song finally leaves your head. Don't worry. Can happen for sure and try not to let that scare you. That's what us anxious folks do(scare ourselves) and it's key to recognize that and learn to ignore it as best you can.
12-20-2011, 03:43 PM
Yep. It's an tiny obsessive pattern that can happen(which anxiety is related to anyway as is depression). Much like a song stuck in your head which can happen to even "non-anxious" folks. Think of it as that(sound stuck in the head) but "on steroids" for us anxious folks. Same pattern Jason and you will be relieved when the pattern fades away, just like when that song finally leaves your head. Don't worry. Can happen for sure and try not to let that scare you. That's what us anxious folks do(scare ourselves) and it's key to recognize that and learn to ignore it as best you can.
Thanks! And its been happening for ages now! I think it's because I keep letting it bother me and scare me therefore my brain keeps thinking I need to focus on it! I'm trying not let it to bother me but it's hard when your laid in bed at night and there is nothing else to concentrate on! After your advice I felt fine today but come
Night time and I've become anxious and it's started to bother me again.
12-20-2011, 04:01 PM
Oh and also i say my name in my head really randomly, its not like constant , i start thinking about it and then i say it like randomly also when i hear a sound that kinda sounds like my name i say my name in my head, kind of annoying now..its like im obsessed with it
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